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1 HEAR NO DATA SEE NO DATA SPEAK NO DATA.  Reports are due to ADD on July 30, 2008  Cosmetic changes to font sizes  Functionality change related to.

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Presentation on theme: "1 HEAR NO DATA SEE NO DATA SPEAK NO DATA.  Reports are due to ADD on July 30, 2008  Cosmetic changes to font sizes  Functionality change related to."— Presentation transcript:


2  Reports are due to ADD on July 30, 2008  Cosmetic changes to font sizes  Functionality change related to response rates on consumer satisfaction  Increased clarity on what fields in the report need to be completed before the report is submit-able 2

3  For the FY08 report, the response rate on consumer satisfaction is calculated for you from the activity records  If the rate is 30% or greater for a particular core function table, no additional explanatory text on the response rate is required for that table 3

4  Fields that require content (text or numbers) but are empty are now shown in orange in the “view” function of the report.  As always, the report’s “Submit to ADD” button will turn green only when all required fields have content  Now it should be much easier for you to answer the eternal question “Why isn’t my button green?” 4

5  The current data collection is approved by OMB though August 2008  The re-approval process involved 2 public comment periods  First began February 7, 2008  Second began April 15, 2008  AUCD submitted comments on behalf of 41 individuals representing 39 UCEDDs on April 8, 2008  Its too early for an official response  We will make sure that all necessary changes are implemented in NIRS for the FY09 rollout  As part of its charge, the Annual Report Workgroup will be looking at FY10 reporting 5

6  Satisfaction data gathered using questions and rubrics other than the one suggested by ADD will be allowed, provided that Centers describe their method(s) for converting any quantitative data.  Satisfaction data on products (core function of information dissemination) may be quantitative or qualitative. If a qualitative method is used, Centers will provide a narrative on their method and results.  For the core functions of training trainees and community services (training, TA, direct, and demo), Centers will be expected to gather satisfaction data  From a random sample of 10% (rather than all, as currently expected)  Achieve a 40% response rate in aggregate across the respective core function 6

7  Collaboration is recognized as including both concurrent and sequential activities among the UCEDDs, P&As, and DDCs. 7

8  We anticipate that MCHB will have substantive changes for FY10 reporting, particularly in the trainee follow-up survey  This fall, AUCD will be welcoming 2 new networks to NIRS:  Developmental Behavioral Pediatrics (DBPeds), an MCHB Training Program with 9 grantees  State Disability and Health Grantees, a CDC program with 16 grantees (8 of which are UCEDDs) 8

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