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The mind is like a large network of interconnected concepts. Let's call them "topics".

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Presentation on theme: "The mind is like a large network of interconnected concepts. Let's call them "topics"."— Presentation transcript:


2 The mind is like a large network of interconnected concepts. Let's call them "topics".

3 Topics Let's call them "topics".

4 And there are relationships. eats Let's call them "associations" because they are not always as explicit as this one. Sometimes they are very vague. Associations

5 To draw such a connection... … then press the ALT button... Alt... use your mouse pointer and click the first object …

6 … and drag the mouse to the second topic. Alt

7 Let's try that in practice. When something unexpected happens instead, you may have slightly missed the topic icon…

8 The whole map is moved: then you have hit the background canvas and dragged it.

9 Do that if you need more space. The map has no borders!

10 Or you may have hit an association. Then you are moving a whole cluster of connected icons

11 Or you only forgot the ALT button. Then you are moving a single topic.

12 This is one of the most important operations.





17 This is one of the most important operations...... when you want to rearrange the visuospatial scratchpad of your mind's network.

18 Congratulations. You have learned how to visualize conceptional proximity and associations.

19 But DeepaMehta is also great for text snippets. Did you notice that when you click on a topic...... the content of the right pane changes?




23 So you probably know now how to answer the questions of this little demo. Follow the instructions in the User's Guide to download and import this demo.

24 Enjoy! Get the hands-on experience.

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