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Presentation by Audra Leverton ePortfolio for Instructional Leader Candidates.

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation by Audra Leverton ePortfolio for Instructional Leader Candidates."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presentation by Audra Leverton ePortfolio for Instructional Leader Candidates

2 Instructional Leadership EdS program leads to Class AA certification in Alabama Based upon the idea that teachers and administrators are developing professionals 39 hours required Portfolio required for state certification

3 EDL-599 EDL 599 is the culmination project class where candidates begin to collect evidence of 199 tasks completed for state certification. 199! Through the years, it’s been a paper notebook, expensive and large.

4 Dr. Thomas Hajzus Dr. Hajzus came in with no Canvas experience in July of 2014. He eagerly accepted the challenge of using ePortfolio to collect and grade candidate projects in support of their EdS in Instructional Leadership in lieu of lugging around 12 of the 300+page binders.

5 The Prep While Tom eagerly accepted the challenge, he quickly realized he knew nothing. Nothing about Canvas. Nothing about the course. Nothing about the project. Nothing about ePortfolio. Nothing.

6 Tom decided he would create detailed instructions for the students. At the last minute, he also decided that he would require them to create a template in their ePortfolio PRIOR to the first class as a pre-requisite.

7 The First Class One student didn’t show – and wasn’t allowed to continue in the course All other students had the template completed Demonstrated how items were to be added and deleted and what kinds of items to use Technical issues were addressed (JAVA/FLASH, converting PDFs as pictures, etc.) – Recommendation for Canvas: allow users to add files with commentary (simple text box)

8 The Second Class Adjustments were made to the schedule (calculations were incorrect to complete process on time) Technical issues were addressed – Most of these were individual and related to the software or browser Problems were discussed and resolved

9 Last Class One month prior to end of term All submissions made Clean up/refinement of portfolio Interviews FOOD!

10 Candidate Thoughts…

11 Dr. Hajzus’ Final Thoughts He recommends that Canvas develop a way to preserve the ePortfolio in its original state, not just as a list of files since that takes away from the symmetry and cohesive final product.

12 Questions??

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