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2 Do we actually need government?
Is it possible to live without laws or rulers? Because man needs a moral limits, Government is absolutely necessary.

3 Governance Identify the different types of governments: Democracy,
Autocracy, Oligarchy, Monarchy, Dictatorship

4 Democracy Elected Direct Government elected - By the people.
Everyone who is eligible to vote has a chance to have their say over who runs the country. Decisions in a democracy are determined either directly or through elected representatives. Elected Direct

5 Republic A republic is a country that has no monarch.
The head of the country is usually an elected president.

6 Capitalist In a capitalist or free-market country, people can own their own businesses and property. People can also buy services for private use, such as healthcare. Most capitalist governments also provide their own education, health and welfare services.

7 Oligarchy Government in which a few people such as a dominant clan or clique have power.

8 SOCIALISM FRANCE’s Socialist President pushing for 75% TAX RATE
As an economic system, socialism is often characterized by: collective ownership of the means of production, goals Socialism has been attributed to communism mainly because of the * distribution of the wealth is controlled as a whole + not individually. Goods and Services are distributed by Need and not based on MARKET - WANTS Socialists believe the businesses EXPLOIT the working class and that CAPITALSIM creates inequalities in society. FRANCE’s Socialist President pushing for 75% TAX RATE

9 Monarchy Monarchy has a KING/QUEEN - Emperor/Empress.
The ruling position can be passed on to the ruler’s heirs. Some traditional monarchies: the monarch has absolute power. Constitutional monarchy, like the UK, also has a democratic government that limits the monarch's control. “ ENGLAND”

10 Autocracy Government by :
A single person having unlimited power Despotism (domination through threat of punishment and violence)

11 Dictatorship A country ruled by a single leader. The leader has :
Not been elected and may use force to keep control. In a military dictatorship, the army is in control.

12 Totalitarian This is a country with only one political party.
People are forced to do what the government tells them and may also be prevented from leaving the country.

13 Communist In a communist country- The Government owns and has
TOTAL CONTROL of: property such as businesses and farms. Provides its people: healthcare education welfare

14 Anarchy Anarchy is a situation where there is No government.
This can happen after a civil war in a country. When a government has been destroyed and rival groups are fighting to take its place. Anarchists are people who believe that government is a bad thing in that it stops people organizing their own lives.

15 Revolutionary If a government is overthrown by force,
the new ruling group is sometimes called a revolutionary government. Coup D’Etat

16 Theocracy Government ruled by religious leader or institution

17 Ready for a quiz? Play Government Squares

18 Starring: Justin Time Paige Turner Hazel Nutt Pearly White Skip Roper
1 2 3 4 5 5 6 Starring: Justin Time Paige Turner Hazel Nutt Pearly White Skip Roper Al Beback 7 Dr. E. Ville Maude L.T. Ford Carrie Oki 8 9

19 1 2 3 X 4 5 6 O 7 8 9 Scoreboard Click Here if X Wins Click Here if
O Wins

20 1 This form of government is elected by the people and everyone is eligible to vote.

21 1 Democracy Home

22 2 A government ruled by a king, queen, emperor or empress.

23 2 Monarchy Home

24 3 A country ruled by a single leader. The leader has not been elected and may use force to keep control.

25 3 Dictatorship Home

26 4 Government by a single person having unlimited power; despotism (domination through threat of punishment and violence).

27 4 Autocracy Home

28 5 The government owns property such as businesses and farms and provides its people's healthcare, education and welfare.

29 5 Communism Home

30 6 A situation where there is no government.

31 6 Anarchy Home

32 7 The ruling group that forms when a government is overthrown by force.

33 7 Revolutionary Home

34 8 A government in which a few people such as a dominant clan or clique have power.

35 8 Oligarchy Home

36 9 A country that has no monarch, but is headed by an elected president or official is a ________.

37 9 Republic Home



40 Resources The Democracy Project BBC Types of Government
World Population Under Various Governments Dictator for A Day Types of Governments

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