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© Sara M. Taylor 2002 Rules of Discovery  State  Federal.

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Presentation on theme: "© Sara M. Taylor 2002 Rules of Discovery  State  Federal."— Presentation transcript:

1 © Sara M. Taylor 2002 Rules of Discovery  State  Federal

2 © Sara M. Taylor 2002 Scope of Discovery  Relevance  Subject matter of the action  Evaluate, prepare, facilitate settlement  Limitations  Discretion of the court if duplicative, obtainable from less expensive source, burden outweighs value  Attorney Work Product

3 © Sara M. Taylor 2002 Attorney Work Product  Mental impressions  Legal Theories  Conclusions  Opinions  Purpose of Preparation  Litigation Anticipated  Ordinary Course

4 © Sara M. Taylor 2002 Not Work Product  Witness’s statement  Witness identity  Existence of Insurance Policy

5 © Sara M. Taylor 2002 CCP 2031  Respond separately to each item  Comply  Lack Ability to Comply  Objection  Failure to respond timely will waive any objection, claim of privilege or work product

6 © Sara M. Taylor 2002 CCP 2031 - Comply  Kept in usual course of business  Organized and labeled to correspond with the demand

7 © Sara M. Taylor 2002 CCP 2031 – Inability to Comply  Diligent search and reasonable inquiry  Never Existed  Destroyed  Lost or misplaced  Stolen  No longer in possession  Names/Addresses of those in possession

8 © Sara M. Taylor 2002 CCP 2031  Object  Identify with particularity any document  Extent and ground for objection  Privilege  Work product

9 © Sara M. Taylor 2002 CCP 2024 – Discovery Cutoff  Responses due 30 th day prior to initial trial date  Discovery motions 15 th day prior to initial trial date

10 © Sara M. Taylor 2002 Initial Disclosure – Rule 26  Rule 26(a)(1)  Individuals with discoverable information  Documents and Tangible Things  Computation of Damages  Applicable Insurance  Exempt Proceedings

11 © Sara M. Taylor 2002 Initial Disclosure – Rule 26(a)  Rule 26(a)(2)  Expert Testimony  Rule 26(a)(3)  Pretrial Disclosure (30 days)

12 © Sara M. Taylor 2002 Rule 34 – Request for Production  All relevant materials  Evaluating case  Preparing for Trial  Facilitating Settlement  Usual Course of Business or Label to Correspond with Categories of Requests

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