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What are the most successful methods to ensure a secure financial future? By Mike Carlos.

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Presentation on theme: "What are the most successful methods to ensure a secure financial future? By Mike Carlos."— Presentation transcript:

1 What are the most successful methods to ensure a secure financial future? By Mike Carlos

2 The Goal… To share the most valuable financial advice that will assist you throughout the course of life. By extracting the best lessons from financial advice novels a list has been produced with only the most useful methods.

3 Lesson #1 The Rich Don’t work for Money By creating residual income* by investing, becoming wealthy and financially secure should not be as much of a difficulty as once thought. *money that makes itself

4 What is investing? Investing is taking money and putting it into assets. Assets range from Savings acounts, Mutual Funds, Stocks, Real Estate, Anything that will make money without any work put into it.

5 Lesson #2 Learn Financial Literacy Financial literacy is a necessity for having a secure financial future

6 Knowing the difference… Income Expenses Assets Liabilities

7 Lesson #3 Pay Attention

8 Lesson #4 The Don’ts In order to access the potential of these methods, old habits need to be kicked.

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