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Snowy Owl by Monica.

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1 Snowy Owl by Monica

2 Physical Characteristics:
Source # 4 Description Coloring: The babies when they are born they’re fluffy and white. The male are mostly white the female is brown, white, and black those are the color of their feathers. Size: The Snowy owl is a large owl. It’s 53 to 66 cementers tall. Physical Characteristics: It’s hard to see ear tufts . They have small round head and it has a black bill and they have golden eyes. The Snowy owl weighs 300 grams.

3 Adaptations Source #___4,8____ Physical Behavioral
It’s white feathers barred with brown blend in with the snow and the mud of the frozen north. Not nocturnal Sleeps at night and awake in the day. Their nests are often located on the top of mounds of earth that have been pushed up by the frost. Although owls appear to be plump and heavy, they weigh very, very much.

4 Habitat Source #___9______ Arctic Ocean Europe Asia North America
Atlantic Ocean Pacific Ocean Africa Indian Ocean South America Australia Antarctica The Snowy owl lives in Arctic Tundra. They live at the top of the world. It’s very cold there is no trees there either. The Snowy owl has to lay their eggs on the floor on the snow! Some animals like foxes eat their eggs that are on the snow. Their nests are often located on the top of mounds of earth that have been pushed up by the frost. The chicks that hatch out in these nests are covered with snowy white down until they are about 10 days old.

5 Food Chain of the Owl Source #_____20____ Monica Cruz
The sun gives the energy to the plants. The plant gives the energy to the rabbit then the rabbit gives the energy to the owl. The owl is on top of the food chain because it eats the plant and the rabbit.

6 Credits 4. Duncan, Dr. James. "Owls of the World." Buffalo, NY: Firefly Books, 2003. 8. Gibbons, Gail. "Owls." New York, NY: Holiday House, 2005. 9. Hammerslough, Jane. "Owl Puke." New York, NY: Workman Publishing, 2004. Website 20

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