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Chapter 23 Notes- Southwest Asia Today’s Issues. Section 1: Population Relocation Guest Workers- usually unskilled laborers that immigrate into a country.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 23 Notes- Southwest Asia Today’s Issues. Section 1: Population Relocation Guest Workers- usually unskilled laborers that immigrate into a country."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 23 Notes- Southwest Asia Today’s Issues

2 Section 1: Population Relocation Guest Workers- usually unskilled laborers that immigrate into a country to work. –Needed for oil related jobs –Problems?

3 Problems of Guest Workers Cultural differences between workers and employers Misunderstandings over customs result in sever penalties Workers live in special districts separate from the Arab population Workers are abandoned, go without wages and have no way to get back home

4 Guest Worker Problem’s Cont. Arab’s won’t develop their skills Intolerance and violence that guest workers face Fear that immigrants could weaken their country’s sense of national identity

5 Section 1: Population Relocation Stateless Nation- a nation of people w/out a land to legally occupy. –Kurds are the largest group of people w/out their own country. –Gypsy’s & Palestinians? –Occupied Land?

6 Section 1: Population Relocation Palestinians- displaced peoples from the land of Palestine (now called Israel) –Stateless nation –Main source of conflict in region! West Bank Gaza Strip

7 Section 2: Oil Wealth Fuels Change Strategic Commodity- resource so important that nations will go to war to ensure its steady supply. –Persian Gulf War? –64% of oil is in Middle East

8 Section 2: Oil Wealth Fuels Change What to do with oil profits? –1. Modernize Infrastructure- New roads & airports Irrigation Networks Desalinization Plants

9 Section 2: Oil Wealth Fuels Change 2.- Develop its agricultural, mineral, & water resources –Tap underground water supplies –Reduce dependence on foreign food imports

10 Section 2: Oil Wealth Fuels Change 3.- Gain access to higher education –Develop human resources- the skills & talents of their people –Women’s Opportunities in education?

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