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Vessels & Nerves of the Digestive Tract Prof. Dr. Selda Önderoğlu.

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Presentation on theme: "Vessels & Nerves of the Digestive Tract Prof. Dr. Selda Önderoğlu."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vessels & Nerves of the Digestive Tract Prof. Dr. Selda Önderoğlu





6 Abdominal Aorta Posterior branches 1. Lumbal aa 2. Median sacral a Lateral branches 1. Inf phrenic a 2. Middle suprarenal a 3. Renal a 4. Testicular a Anterior branches 1.Coeliac trunk 2.Sup mesenteric a 3.Inf mesenteric a Prof. Dr. H. Selçuk Sürücü

7 Middle L 1 L 3 T 12

8 Abdominal Aorta Visceral Brr Sup mesenteric a Middle suprarenal a Testicular a Inf mesenteric a Coeliac trunk L gastric a Common hepatic a Splenic a Parietal Brr Inf phrenic a Lumbal aa Median sacral a Terminal Brr Common iliac a

9 Post gastric a Great pancreatic a Cystic a Prof. Dr. H. Selçuk Sürücü

10 Splenic a Post gastric a Great pancreatic a Cystic a Pancreatic brr Posterior gastric a Left gastro-omental a Short gastric aa Splenic brr Prof. Dr. H. Selçuk Sürücü

11 Splenic a Tail of pancreas L gastro-omental a Short gastric aa Prof. Dr. H. Selçuk Sürücü

12 Posterior gastric artery Prof. Dr. H. Selçuk Sürücü

13 Common hepatic a Post gastric a Great pancreatic a Cystic a R gastric a Gastro-duodenal a Retroduodenal aa R gastro-omental a Sup pancreatico-duodenal a Pancreatic brr Duodenal brr Proper hepatic a Right br Left br Intermediate br

14 L gastro-pancreatic fold L gastric a R gastro-pancreatic fold Common hepatic a Proper hepatic a Prof. Dr. H. Selçuk Sürücü

15 Sup mesenteric artery Inf pancreatico- duodenal a Middle colic a Right colic a Jejunal & ileal aa Ileo-colic a Ileal a Colic a Ant caecal a Post caecal a Appendicular a

16 Prof. Dr. H. Selçuk Sürücü


18 Inf mesenteric a Left colic a Sigmoid aa Superior rectal a


20 ForegutMidgutHindgut Oesophagus Stomach Duodeonum Liver Pancreas Jejunum Ileum Proximal transverse colon Distal transverse colon Descendening colon sigmoid colon Rectum Coeliac trunkSuperior mesenteric aInferior mesenteric a Greater splanchnic nerves T 5-9 Lesser splanchnic nerves T 10-11 Least & Lumbal splanchnic nerves T12-L3 Vagus Nn erigentes S 2-4




24 Left colic flexure


26 Prof. Dr. H. Selçuk Sürücü

27 Coeliac plexus Thoracic splanchnic nn Vagus n Phrenic n Aorticoabdominal Intermesenteric Phrenic Gastric Hepatic Splenic Sup mesenteric Inf mesenteric Renal Suprarenal Ovarian


29 Sup Hypogastic Plexus Lumbal splanchnic nn Pelvic splanchnic nn (erigentes) Ovarian Uterine Common iliac

30 A iliaca interna & branches M levator ani M coccygeus M obturator internus Bladder

31 Inf Hypogastric Plexus Hypogastric nn Pelvic splanchnic nerves (erigentes) Middle rectal Vesical Prostatic Utero-vaginal

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