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2 nd workshop on SuperB 17.03,2006 LNF Marcello A Giorgi1 Marcello A. Giorgi Università di Pisa and INFN Pisa Closeout Remarks 2nd Workshop on SuperB FRASCATI.

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Presentation on theme: "2 nd workshop on SuperB 17.03,2006 LNF Marcello A Giorgi1 Marcello A. Giorgi Università di Pisa and INFN Pisa Closeout Remarks 2nd Workshop on SuperB FRASCATI."— Presentation transcript:

1 2 nd workshop on SuperB 17.03,2006 LNF Marcello A Giorgi1 Marcello A. Giorgi Università di Pisa and INFN Pisa Closeout Remarks 2nd Workshop on SuperB FRASCATI 16- 18 March 2006

2 2 nd workshop on SuperB 17.03,2006 LNF Marcello A Giorgi2 OUTLINE More on physics case at Super Flavour Factory Status of the art Goals of the workshop From my opening talk

3 2 nd workshop on SuperB 17.03,2006 LNF Marcello A Giorgi3 From Physics presentation M.Ciuchini

4 2 nd workshop on SuperB 17.03,2006 LNF Marcello A Giorgi4 Olympic medals Beam Polarization Run at 4.0 GeV M.Ciuchini

5 2 nd workshop on SuperB 17.03,2006 LNF Marcello A Giorgi5 ON THE MACHINE Pantaleo has presented the results of simulations on various possible designs. John has presented a solution possibly making use of he present PEPII setup and components (including the tunnel)

6 2 nd workshop on SuperB 17.03,2006 LNF Marcello A Giorgi6 Machine design under discussion USE of ILC DR + ILC FF Requires virtually no R&D -Uses all the work done for ILC -Ring and ff layouts virtually done, 3km circunference rings -100% Synergy with ILC -IR extremely simplified 80-100 m straight line -Beam stay clear about 30sigmas with 1cm radius beam pipe -Currents around 1.5Amps -Background better than PEP and KEKB -Possibly to operate at the tau with L=10^35 -Polarization of one beam considered -UNDER STUDY the possibility to run down to the phi with lumi< 10^34 -Total cost about half of the ILC e+ DRs (2 e+ 6km rings in ILC) -Power around 40MW, still to be further optimized (goal 25MW) -Possible to reuse PEP RF system, power supplies, Vacuum pumps, etc., further reducing the overall cost -Needs the standard injector system, probably a C-band 7GeV linac like in KEKB upgrade (already designed)

7 2 nd workshop on SuperB 17.03,2006 LNF Marcello A Giorgi7 RoundFlat (1)Flat (2)Flat (3) Sigx*  m 0.930 (1 betatron) 2.67 Etax mm0.0+-1.5 0.0 Sigy nm90012.6 Betx mm0.552.5 17.8 Bety mm0.550.080 Sigz_IP mm0.80.100 4.0 Sige_IP1.0e-32.0e-2 1.0e-3 Sige_Lum0.7e-31.0e-3 0.7e-3 Emix nm1.50.4 Emiy nm1.50.002 Emiz  m 0.82.0 4.0 Cross_angle mradOptional 2*25 Sigz_DR mm0.84.0 Sige_DR1.0e-30.5e-3 1.0e-3 Np 10e107.0 1.02.0 Nbunches10000 5000 DR_length km6.0 3.0 Damping_time msec10 Nturns_betwe_coll50 11 Collision freq MHz10.0 500 L singleturn 1e361.3 1.20.8 L multiturn 1e360.9 1.01.2

8 2 nd workshop on SuperB 17.03,2006 LNF Marcello A Giorgi8 IP FF ILC ring & ILC FF Simplified layout in the Small Disruption Regime Collisions every Turn Uncompressed bunches Crossing angle = 2*25 mrad Crabbed Y-Waist

9 2 nd workshop on SuperB 17.03,2006 LNF Marcello A Giorgi9 John Seeman idea: 4400m collider (2 rings in the 2200m tunnel of PEPII)

10 2 nd workshop on SuperB 17.03,2006 LNF Marcello A Giorgi10 Compressor Decompressor IP FF ILC ring with ILC FF ILC Compressor Colliding every turn crossing angle optional Raimondi Feb 2006 C = 6000 m

11 2 nd workshop on SuperB 17.03,2006 LNF Marcello A Giorgi11 Layout of One Ring: Other Ring is the Reverse! IP And Detector Final Focus Reverse Final Focus Damping ring = 2200 m Bunch expander Bunch compressor Linac injector

12 2 nd workshop on SuperB 17.03,2006 LNF Marcello A Giorgi12 Super-B-Factory in a 4400 m Tunnel 0.4 mm

13 2 nd workshop on SuperB 17.03,2006 LNF Marcello A Giorgi13 2 most popular solutions John and Pantaleo designs seems so far the closest to a possible baseline choice. We need from now and next workshop a lot and well coordinated work to arrive to a satisfactory decision before the summer.

14 2 nd workshop on SuperB 17.03,2006 LNF Marcello A Giorgi14 First meeting of the steering Committee Yesterday, we will meet again tomorrow morning at 9.0 Next workshop on june 14,15,16 (To be confirmed) at SLAC. Decision on the baseline design for the machine. Start writing the first conceptual document.

15 2 nd workshop on SuperB 17.03,2006 LNF Marcello A Giorgi15 Toward the CDR A final workshop is needed in October (beginning of) to be able to write a reasonable CDR before the end of the current year. A theory workshop will be held contiguous to ours and devoted to the preparation of the physics chapter of the CDR

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