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1 COMP541 State Machines - II Montek Singh Feb 13, 2012.

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1 1 COMP541 State Machines - II Montek Singh Feb 13, 2012

2 Today’s Topics  Lab preview: “Debouncing” a switch “Debouncing” a switch  Verilog styles for FSM Don’t forget to check synthesis output and console msgs. Don’t forget to check synthesis output and console msgs.  State machine styles Moore vs. Mealy Moore vs. Mealy 2

3 Lab Preview: Buttons and Debouncing  Mechanical switches “bounce” vibrations cause them to go to 1 and 0 a number of times vibrations cause them to go to 1 and 0 a number of times  called “chatter” hundreds of times! hundreds of times!  We want to do 2 things: “Debounce”: Any ideas? “Debounce”: Any ideas? Synchronize with clock Synchronize with clock  i.e., only need to look at it at the next +ve edge of clock  Think about (for Wed class): What does it mean to “press the button”? Think carefully!! What does it mean to “press the button”? Think carefully!! What if button is held down for a long time? What if button is held down for a long time? 3

4 Beware the unintended latch!  Very easy to unintentionally specify a latch/register in Verilog! one of the most common mistakes! one of the most common mistakes! one of the biggest sources of headache! one of the biggest sources of headache! you will do it a gazillion times you will do it a gazillion times this is yet another result of the the hangover of software programming this is yet another result of the the hangover of software programming  forgetting everything in hardware runs in parallel, and time is continuous  Solution good programming practice good programming practice 4

5 Beware the unintended latch!  Example: multiplexer out is output of combinational block out is output of combinational block no latch/register is intended in this circuit no latch/register is intended in this circuit recommended Verilog: recommended Verilog: assign out = select? A : B;  But, an if statement (inside an always block) will incorrectly introduce a reg: if (select) out <= A; if (!select) out <= B; reg added to save old value if condition is false reg added to save old value if condition is false to avoid extra reg, cover all possibilities: to avoid extra reg, cover all possibilities: if (select) out <= A; else out <= B; 5 select A B out

6 Verilog coding styles for FSMs 6

7 Verilog coding styles  First: More on Verilog procedural/behavioral statements if-then-else if-then-else case statement case statement  Then: How to specify an FSM Using two always blocks Using two always blocks  Using a single always block?? Using three always blocks Using three always blocks 7

8 Verilog procedural statements  All variables/signals assigned in an always statement must be declared as reg Unfortunately, the language designers made things unnecessarily complicated Unfortunately, the language designers made things unnecessarily complicated  not every signal declared as reg is actually registered  it is possible to declare reg X, even when X is the output of a combinational function, and does not need a register!  whattt???!! They thought it would be awesome to let the Verilog compiler figure out if a function is combinational or sequential! They thought it would be awesome to let the Verilog compiler figure out if a function is combinational or sequential!  a real pain sometimes  you will suffer through it later in the semester if not careful!

9 Verilog procedural statements  These statements are often convenient: if / else if / else case, casez case, casez more convenient than “? : ” conditional expressions more convenient than “? : ” conditional expressions  especially when deeply nested  But: these must be used only inside always blocks again, some genius decided that again, some genius decided that  Result: designers often do this: designers often do this:  declare a combinational output as reg X  so they can use if/else/case statements to assign to X  HOPE the Verilog compiler will optimize away the unintended latch/reg  HOPE the Verilog compiler will optimize away the unintended latch/reg

10 Example: Comb. Logic using case module DecTo7Seg(input [3:0] data, output reg [7:0] segments); always @(*) case (data) // abcdefgp 0: segments = 8'b11111100; 1: segments = 8'b01100000; 2: segments = 8'b11011010; 3: segments = 8'b11110010; 4: segments = 8'b01100110; 5: segments = 8'b10110110; 6: segments = 8'b10111110; 7: segments = 8'b11100000; 8: segments = 8'b11111110; 9: segments = 8'b11110110; default: segments = 8'b0000001; // required endcase endmodule Note the *: it means that when any inputs used in the body of the always block change. This include “data”

11 Synthesizing an Unwanted Latch?  Could happen!  Check the synthesizer output  In order for a case statement to imply combinational logic, all possible input combinations must be described by the HDL  Remember to use a default statement when necessary May be good practice anyway May be good practice anyway And all if statements w/ matching else And all if statements w/ matching else

12 Combinational Logic using casez  casez allows case patterns to use don’t cares module priority_casez(input [3:0] a, output reg [3:0] y); always @(*) casez(a) 4'b1???: y = 4'b1000; // ? = don’t care 4'b01??: y = 4'b0100; 4'b001?: y = 4'b0010; 4'b0001: y = 4'b0001; default: y = 4'b0000; endcase endmodule

13 Blocking vs. Nonblocking Assignments (review)  <= is a “nonblocking assignment” Occurs simultaneously with others Occurs simultaneously with others  = is a “blocking assignment” Occurs in the order it appears in the file Occurs in the order it appears in the file // nonblocking assignments module syncgood(input clk, input d, output reg q); reg n1; always @(posedge clk) begin n1 <= d; // nonblocking q <= n1; // nonblocking end endmodule // blocking assignments module syncbad(input clk, input d, output reg q); reg n1; always @(posedge clk) begin n1 = d; // blocking q = n1; // blocking end endmodule

14 Cheat Sheet for comb. vs seq. logic  Sequential logic: Use always @(posedge clk) Use always @(posedge clk) Use nonblocking assignments (<=) Use nonblocking assignments (<=) Do not make assignments to the same signal in more than one always block! Do not make assignments to the same signal in more than one always block! e.g.: e.g.: always @ (posedge clk) q <= d; // nonblocking q <= d; // nonblocking

15 Cheat Sheet for comb. vs seq. logic  Combinational logic: Use continuous assignments (assign …) whenever readable Use continuous assignments (assign …) whenever readable assign y = a & b; OR Use always @ (*) Use always @ (*) All variables must be assigned in every situation! All variables must be assigned in every situation!  must have a default case in case statement  must have a closing else in an if statement do not make assignments to the same signal in more than one always or assign statement do not make assignments to the same signal in more than one always or assign statement

16 16 Revisit the sequence recognizer (from last lecture)

17 17 Let’s encode states using parameter module seq_rec (CLK, RESET, X, Z); input CLK, RESET, X; output Z; reg [1:0] state, next_state; parameter A = 2'b00, B = 2'b01, C = 2 'b10, D = 2'b11; Notice that we’ve assigned codes to the states

18 18 Next State logic always @(*) begin case (state) A: if (X == 1) A: if (X == 1) next_state <= B; next_state <= B; else else next_state <= A; next_state <= A; B: if(X) next_state <= C;else next_state <= A; B: if(X) next_state <= C;else next_state <= A; C: if(X) next_state <= C;else next_state <= D; C: if(X) next_state <= C;else next_state <= D; D: if(X) next_state <= B;else next_state <= A; D: if(X) next_state <= B;else next_state <= A;endcase end end The last 3 cases do same thing. Just sparse syntax.

19 Register for storing state  Register with reset asynchronous reset asynchronous reset reset occurs whenever RESET goes high reset occurs whenever RESET goes high always @(posedge CLK or posedge RESET) if (RESET == 1) state <= A; else state <= next_state; synchronous reset synchronous reset reset occurs only at clock transition reset occurs only at clock transition always @(posedge CLK) if (RESET == 1) state <= A; else state <= next_state; 19 Notice that state only gets updated on posedge of clock (or on reset)

20 20Output always @(*) case(state) A: Z <= 0; B: Z <= 0; C: Z <= 0; D: Z <= X ? 1 : 0; default: Z <= 0; default: Z <= 0;endcase

21 21 Comment on Code  Could shorten  Don’t need next_state, for example Can just set state on clock Can just set state on clock  Don’t need three always clauses Although it’s clearer to have combinational code be separate Although it’s clearer to have combinational code be separate  Template helps synthesizer Check to see whether your state machines were recognized Check to see whether your state machines were recognized

22 Verilog: specifying FSM using 2 blocks  Let us divide FSM into two modules one stores and update state one stores and update state another produces outputs another produces outputs 22

23 Verilog: specifying FSM using 2 blocks reg [1:0] state; reg outp; … always @(posedge clk) case (state) case (state) s1: if (x1 == 1'b1) state <= s2; s1: if (x1 == 1'b1) state <= s2; else state <= s3; else state <= s3; s2: state <= s4; s2: state <= s4; s3: state <= s4; s3: state <= s4; s4: state <= s1; s4: state <= s1; endcase endcase always @(*) always @(*) case (state) s1: outp <= 1'b1; s1: outp <= 1'b1; s2: outp <= 1'b1; s2: outp <= 1'b1; s3: outp <= 1'b0; s3: outp <= 1'b0; s4: outp <= 1'b0; s4: outp <= 1'b0; default: outp <= 1'b0; default: outp <= 1'b0; endcase endcase 23

24 Synthesis (see console output) Synthesizing Unit. Related source file is "v_fsm_2.v". Related source file is "v_fsm_2.v". Found finite state machine for signal. Found finite state machine for signal. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- | States | 4 | | States | 4 | | Transitions | 5 | | Transitions | 5 | | Inputs | 1 | | Inputs | 1 | | Outputs | 1 | | Outputs | 1 | | Clock | clk (rising_edge) | | Clock | clk (rising_edge) | | Reset | reset (positive) | | Reset | reset (positive) | | Reset type | asynchronous | | Reset type | asynchronous | | Reset State | 00 | | Reset State | 00 | | Power Up State | 00 | | Power Up State | 00 | | Encoding | automatic | | Encoding | automatic | | Implementation | LUT | | Implementation | LUT | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Summary: Summary: inferred 1 Finite State Machine(s). Unit synthesized. 24

25 Incorrect: Putting all in one always  Using one always block generally incorrect! (But may work for Moore FSMs) generally incorrect! (But may work for Moore FSMs) ends up with unintended registers for outputs! ends up with unintended registers for outputs! always@(posedge clk) case (state) s1: if (x1 == 1'b1) begin state <= s2; outp <= 1'b1; end else begin state <= s3; outp <= 1'b0; end else begin state <= s3; outp <= 1'b0; end s2: begin state <= s4; outp <= 1'b1; end end s3: begin state <= s4; outp <= 1'b0; end end s4: begin state <= s1; outp <= 1'b0; end endendcase 25

26 Synthesis Output Synthesizing Unit. Related source file is "v_fsm_1.v". Related source file is "v_fsm_1.v". Found finite state machine for signal. Found finite state machine for signal. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- | States | 4 | | States | 4 | | Transitions | 5 | | Transitions | 5 | | Inputs | 1 | | Inputs | 1 | | Outputs | 4 | | Outputs | 4 | | Clock | clk (rising_edge) | | Clock | clk (rising_edge) | | Reset | reset (positive) | | Reset | reset (positive) | | Reset type | asynchronous | | Reset type | asynchronous | | Reset State | 00 | | Reset State | 00 | | Power Up State | 00 | | Power Up State | 00 | | Encoding | automatic | | Encoding | automatic | | Implementation | LUT | | Implementation | LUT | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Found 1-bit register for signal. Found 1-bit register for signal. Summary: Summary: inferred 1 Finite State Machine(s). inferred 1 D-type flip-flop(s). 26

27 Textbook Uses 3 always Blocks 27

28 Three always Blocks reg [1:0] state; reg [1:0] state; reg [1:0] next_state; reg [1:0] next_state; … … … always @(posedge clk) always @(posedge clk) if (RESET == 1) state <= s1; else state <= next_state; always @(*) always @(*) case (state) case (state) s1: if (x1==1'b1) s1: if (x1==1'b1) next_state <= s2; next_state <= s2; else else next_state <= s3; next_state <= s3; s2: next_state <= s4; s2: next_state <= s4; s3: next_state <= s4; s3: next_state <= s4; s4: next_state <= s1; s4: next_state <= s1; default: next_state <= s1; default: next_state <= s1; endcase endcase reg outp; ……… always @(*) case (state) case (state) s1: outp <= 1'b1; s1: outp <= 1'b1; s2: outp <= 1'b1; s2: outp <= 1'b1; s3: outp <= 1'b0; s3: outp <= 1'b0; s4: outp <= 1'b0; s4: outp <= 1'b0; default: outp <= 1'b0; default: outp <= 1'b0; endcase endcase 28

29 Synthesis (again, no unintended latch) Synthesizing Unit. Related source file is "v_fsm_3.v". Related source file is "v_fsm_3.v". Found finite state machine for signal. Found finite state machine for signal. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- | States | 4 | | States | 4 | | Transitions | 5 | | Transitions | 5 | | Inputs | 1 | | Inputs | 1 | | Outputs | 1 | | Outputs | 1 | | Clock | clk (rising_edge) | | Clock | clk (rising_edge) | | Reset | reset (positive) | | Reset | reset (positive) | | Reset type | asynchronous | | Reset type | asynchronous | | Reset State | 00 | | Reset State | 00 | | Power Up State | 00 | | Power Up State | 00 | | Encoding | automatic | | Encoding | automatic | | Implementation | LUT | | Implementation | LUT | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Summary: Summary: inferred 1 Finite State Machine(s). Unit synthesized. 29

30 My Preference  The one with 2 always blocks Less prone to error than 1 always Less prone to error than 1 always Easy to visualize the state transitions Easy to visualize the state transitions 3 always blocks is okay too 3 always blocks is okay too 30

31 Moore vs. Mealy FSMs?  So, is there a practical difference? 31

32 Moore vs. Mealy Recognizer Mealy FSM: arcs indicate input/output

33 Moore and Mealy Timing Diagram

34 Moore vs. Mealy FSM Schematic  Moore  Mealy

35 Next class  Solution to switch bounce problem  Registers and counters (in depth) 35

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