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Ocean Pacific  Ocean pacific is made in China and in Indonesia.

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2 Ocean Pacific  Ocean pacific is made in China and in Indonesia

3 Wal-Mart  As I was doing my research there wasn’t many things about Ocean Pacific but it did bring me to Wal-Mart.  I found out that Wal-Mart’s suppliers were caught more than once violating labor and human rights my using sweatshop labor  Sweatshop labor is when employees are not being treated right, don’t have equal rights at their job, work too many hours and don’t get paid enough

4 Bangladesh  The Bangladeshi Garment Plant Harvest Rich, employed about 200 to 300 children to sew clothes for puma, JC Penny, Wal-Mart, and Hanes  On October of 2006, The National Labor Committee reported children being beaten, suffering from exhaustions, working mandatory hours a day, and being paid as little as 6 ½ cents an hour but more than 100 child workers were fired

5 National Labor Committee  The NLC is demanding U.S companies sourcing from the factory to supply each fired child worker with a monthly payment to release stress on their families and cover essential school expenses for text books, supplies, uniforms, and shoes so the children may return to school

6 Go Green  People are trying to shop with Go Green to pressure Wal-Mart to reduce its environmental impact and so they can respect it’s workers.  Go Green means shopping locally at hardware stores/ house ware stores that offer low prices

7 Citations    34elzzyztr72?ic=48_0&path=0%3A5438%3a961919&ref=181605.1845 57+500500.4292807150&search_sort=6&selecteditems 34elzzyztr72?ic=48_0&path=0%3A5438%3a961919&ref=181605.1845 57+500500.4292807150&search_sort=6&selecteditems 34elzzyztr72?ic=48_0&path=0%3A5438%3a961919&ref=181605.1845 57+500500.4292807150&search_sort=6&selecteditems   Hhtp://  fm?id=306 fm?id=306 fm?id=306  cfm

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