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Conservative Backlash, Watergate, and Disco: The 1970s Miss Wootten History through Film SWBAT explain the aforementioned items.

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Presentation on theme: "Conservative Backlash, Watergate, and Disco: The 1970s Miss Wootten History through Film SWBAT explain the aforementioned items."— Presentation transcript:

1 Conservative Backlash, Watergate, and Disco: The 1970s Miss Wootten History through Film SWBAT explain the aforementioned items.

2 Near the end of Vietnam… We will start our look at the 1970s with the reminder that, yes, the Vietnam War is still going on. Many U.S. citizens and disabled Veterans are unhappy about this. They organize protest, speeches, soldiers throw their medals in the ocean and tell America about the horrible things they did in Vietnam.

3 Conservative Backlash As a response to their response, conservatives numbers grew, as did their political action. What was called “The Conservative Backlash” involved a number of distinct groups located in various regions in the U.S. ( There were many common traits among these groups…

4 1. Most conservative families were from the middle class and were predominately white; 2. Most conservatives had worked their way into the middle class and believed they had earned what they had achieved; 3. Most conservatives objected to what they saw as high taxes and were frustrated by the fact that this money was being used to benefit groups that had not earned it; 4. For many conservatives Religion played a major role in membership in the conservative movement; 5. Conservatives saw the political process as the proper path to achieving their platform; 6. Conservatives began many of the programs that they took on as grassroots movements; 7. Women played an important role in the movement. According to Rebecca Klatch, two groups of women need to be considered as being members of the conservative backlash: Social Conservative women and Laissez-Faire Conservative women, each of which attack the left from a different perspective.

5 Enter Nixon Richard Nixon was easily elected amidst the chaos Think of the scene from Born on the 4 th of July, where Ronnie is at the Republican Convention protesting… ◦That convention nominated Richard Nixon as President, and he won. ◦Seems crazy but remember, most conservatives voted, most liberals protested.

6 All The President’s Men June 16, 1972- a security guard at the Watergate Hotel found a piece of tape on the lock of the door that led to the National Democratic Headquarters. ◦(remember when Forrest Gump calls about the lights in the hotel next door? The Watergate Hotel?...) Some Cubans got caught but the real question was “Why would they do this?” This is the question that takes Reporters Woodward and Bernstein on an historical journey…

7 CMT4 GO What? This is a graphic organizer (GO) to help you collect evidence as Woodward and Bernstein do throughout the movie to find out who is guilty of the Watergate scandal. You will use it to follow along because otherwise, it gets a bit confusing

8 All The President’s Men Any questions, comments, or compliments? Enjoy the show

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