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The Bloody Red Cabbage Juice- pH. Design Your Own Lab (DYOL) Students learned about body fluids and pH as one of the greatest factors that affect body.

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Presentation on theme: "The Bloody Red Cabbage Juice- pH. Design Your Own Lab (DYOL) Students learned about body fluids and pH as one of the greatest factors that affect body."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Bloody Red Cabbage Juice- pH

2 Design Your Own Lab (DYOL) Students learned about body fluids and pH as one of the greatest factors that affect body fluids.

3 Phylicia and Jordan designed a lab to determine which unknown liquid was an acid or a base. The team collaborates before recording data into the data table.

4 Phylicia and Jordan graph their pH data

5 Jordan diligently records data for pH of unknown liquids.

6 Emma Rhiddi Brianna testing the pH for one of six unknown liquids.

7 Emma has a great idea.. Record both quantitative data and qualitative data.

8 Aaron and August (Gus) predict which liquids are involved in the investigation.

9 Data from Jordan and Phylicia

10 Jordan and Phylicia’s data

11 Data from Emma, Rhiddi and Brianna

12 Emma, Rhiddi and Brianna take a second look at their data

13 Aaron and Gus design their glow stick lab. Do fireflies really glow brighter on warm nights? Which temperature of water causes glowsticks to glow brighter? Room, cold or warm?

14 Aaron swirls the red cabbage juice indicator to determine pH of an unknown liquid.

15 Gus tests the pH of liquid # 2 as Aaron reads the pH test strip

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