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SkillsUSA 2011 JEOPARDY. NutritionAbbreviate 100 200 300 400 500 First Aid InfectionControlAnatomy&Physiology Geriatrics 100 200 300 400 500.

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Presentation on theme: "SkillsUSA 2011 JEOPARDY. NutritionAbbreviate 100 200 300 400 500 First Aid InfectionControlAnatomy&Physiology Geriatrics 100 200 300 400 500."— Presentation transcript:

1 SkillsUSA 2011 JEOPARDY

2 NutritionAbbreviate 100 200 300 400 500 First Aid InfectionControlAnatomy&Physiology Geriatrics 100 200 300 400 500

3 Nutrition 100 Nutrient that repairs body tissue, provides heat and energy, and helps produce anitibodies A: What is Protein?

4 Nutrition 200 A: What is overweight? Body weight exceeding 10-20% of average recommended weight

5 Nutrition 300 A: What is Heart Disease? Disease that is main cause of death in the United States

6 Nutrition 400 A: What is Bland Diet? Diet consisted of foods that do not irritate the digestive system

7 Nutrition 500 A: What is Vitamin E(Tocopherel)? Necessary for protection of cell structure, especially Red Blood Cells and Epithelial Tissue

8 First Aid 100 A: Where is the triage? Method of prioritizing treatment.

9 First Aid 200 A: Where is the Brachial artery? Main Pressure point of arm

10 First Aid 300 A: Where is the Shock? Signs and Symptoms associated with an inadequate supply of blood to the body organs

11 First Aid 400 A: Where is the circulation? Skin temperature, skin color, swelling, pain, tingling and numbness are used to frequently check

12 First Aid 500 A: Where is the stroke? Signs and Symptoms of numbness, paralysis, pupils unequal in size, mental confusion, slurred speech, nausea, vomiting, difficulty breathing, swallowing, and loss of consciousness indicate

13 Infection Control 100 A: What is bacteria? These are simple, one-celled organisms that multiply rapidly. They are classified by shape and arrangement

14 Infection Control 200 A: What is Endogenous? The infection or disease originates within the body. These include metabolic disorders, congenital abnormalities, tumors, infections caused by microbes

15 Infection Control 300 A: What is autoclave? A piece of equipment that uses steam under pressure or gas to sterilize equipment and supplies

16 Infection Control 400 A: What is Causative Agent ? First part of the chain of infection

17 Infection Control 500 A: What is Nosocomial? An infection is one acquired by an individual in a health care facility such as a hospital or a long term care facility

18 Anatomy & Physiology 100 A: What is Urinary Body system filters blood to maintain fluid and electrolyte balance in the body, produces and eliminates urine

19 Anatomy & Physiology 200 A: What is the diaphysis The long shaft of a bone

20 Anatomy & Physiology 300 A: What is Axial Skeleton Formed at the main trunk of the body and is composed of the skull, spinal column, ribs, and breastbone

21 Anatomy & Physiology 400 A: What is Arteriosclerosis A hardening or thickening of the arterial walls, resulting in loss of elasticity and contractility

22 Anatomy & Physiology 500 A: What is sutures Areas where the cranial bones have joined together

23 Geriatrics 100 A: What is home or with family? Most elderly people live and are cared for

24 Geriatrics 200 A: What is Osteoporosis? A condition in which calcium and other minerals are lost form the bones, causing the bones to become brittle and more likely to fracture of breadk

25 Geriatrics 300 A: What is Thrombus? Medical diagnosis for a blood clot

26 Geriatrics 400 A: What is dysphagia ? Difficulty swallowing

27 Geriatrics 500 A: What is Nocturia Urination at night

28 Abbreviation 100 What is Activities of Daily Living? ADL

29 Abbreviation 200 A: What is twice a day ? bid

30 Abbreviation 300 A: What is drops? gHs

31 Abbreviation 400 A: What is nothing by mouth? NPO

32 Abbreviation 500 A: What immediately, at once? stat

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