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Today’s Prompt Write a memory that tells a story OR Write a poem that is a journey OR Write a dialogue that is contains a power struggle.

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Presentation on theme: "Today’s Prompt Write a memory that tells a story OR Write a poem that is a journey OR Write a dialogue that is contains a power struggle."— Presentation transcript:

1 Today’s Prompt Write a memory that tells a story OR Write a poem that is a journey OR Write a dialogue that is contains a power struggle

2 The Basics of Story Conflict & Plot

3 Story as Journey “There are only two stories: someone went on a journey and a stranger came to town.” – John Gardner Dynamic characters are capable of change… The process by which this change occurs involves conflict. Change occurs because a character will confront a situation that will challenge her/his assumptions and shake up easy beliefs Altered state could be from Alive to Dead Ugly to Beautiful Ignorant to Wise Callous to Compassionate Certain to Uuncertain etc

4 Story as a Journey (cont.) Usually character will have his or her scope enlarged (but not always) Usually story will result in greater wisdom, compassion or understanding (though it can end in diminishment or narrowing) However, readers will always have our capacity for empathy enlarged by having seen the character’s point of view Every story is in this important human sense a “love story”

5 Important Questions Where does the protagonist want to go? What does he/she desire? What are the obstacles encountered? What discoveries are made? What conflicts arise? What does she/he do to overcome these obstacles? What decisions are made? Is the goal reached? Is it as expected? NOTE: Sometimes journey ends with fulfillment, sometimes not. Sometimes the goal is reached and proves not worth the trip; sometimes a detour leads to paradise.

6 Story as Power Struggle Most common way of looking at story structure Conflict Crisis Resolution This means only trouble is interesting Repeated in every story on smaller/larger scale Power struggle between two (nearly) equal forces Protagonist- central character Antagonist- represents obstacles to the protagonist’s desires May be human or some other force- God, nature, the self, and so forth.

7 Story as Connection and Disconnection Pattern of disconnection/ connection between human beings is the source of meaning and significance the story Conflict is sterile unless it is given human dimension through the connections/disconnections of the characters Boy meets girls, boy loses girl, boy gets girl (connection, disconnection, connection)

8 Today’s Reading Half a Day by Naguib Mahfouz

9 Today’s Assignment Take the character and setting you created over the last few classes. Now, put them in a conflict. You may choose a story that is a journey or power struggle or something that deals with connection vs. disconnection.

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