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2 搜集整理

3 Concept Concept concept Concept

4 1990929496982000 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 Phones, not beer Household spending in OECD countries*, 1990-100 Communications Restaurants Communications Restaurants Health and hotels Health and hotels Education Alcohol, tobacco Education Alcohol, tobacco Water, electricity and narcotics Water, electricity and narcotics and gas Household equipment and gas Household equipment Recreation and Clothing and footwear Recreation and Clothing and footwear culture Food culture Food Transport Transport

5 Variation Variation Technological discontinuity2.Competence-enhancing Innovations Innovations.Competence-destroying innovations innovations Era of ferment2.Substitution.Design competition.Community-driven technical change technical change SelectionDominantdesign2 Era of incremental change2.Elaborate dominant design.Architectural innovation.Market-based innovation VariationTechnologicaldiscontinuity1 Era of ferment1 SelectionDominantdesign1 Era of incrementalchange1 TechnologicalSubstitution1

6 紅海策略藍海策略 在現有市場空間競爭創造沒有競爭的市場空間 打敗競爭把競爭變得亳無意義 利用現有需求創造和掌握新的需求 採取價值與成本抵換打破價值-成本抵換 整個公司的活動系統,配合它 對差異化或低成本選擇的策略 整個公司的活動系統,配合同時 追求差異化和低成本

7 Consulting Marketing Contents Flash Coding CTI UMS Mailing Server D/B Creative Interaction System ebiz Integration Strategy Sopping eCRM IRM VOC/ RMS e- Learning eSolution

8 管理成本 : 降低的运营和购置成本 管理固定成本 降低风险 : 确保业务运营的安全性 与连续性

9 虚拟 管理 标准 MIT Gestão e decisão ITIL Desenho de processos COBIT Controles e métricas CMM Qualidade no desenv. PMI Gestão de projetos BSC Métricas e acompanh. ISO Controle da qualidade BS 7799 Gestão da segurança IT Governance

10 iBox A very popular playr Useful & cool Say hellow Good tools for you Title one second When you want to do it ?now or later ?it’s better to do it now you will get more by chance When you want to do it ?now or later ?it’s better to do it now you will get more by chance When you want to do it ?now or later ?it’s better to do it now you will get more by chance When you want to do it ?now or later ?it’s better to do it now you will get more by chance Power point Star When you want to do it ?now or later ?it’s better to do it now you will get more by chance Title one second Title one

11 oneTwo Three 《《《 3 FLOOR 2 FLOOR 1 FLOOR My third power point My third PPT When you want to do it ?now or later ?it’s better to do it now you will get more by chance Best When you want to do it My third power point When you want to do it ?now or later ?it’s better to do it now you will get more by chance power point When you want to do it ?now or later ?it’s better to do it now you will get more by chance

12 Enterprise CRM eCRM Data Warehousing/Integration Web Log Data Data Base Transaction Data Customer Profile

13 1 ThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content & Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc. Title Text1 Text2 Text3 Text4 Text5

14 INFRA MU sales 1 team Sales 2 team Automation team Network team Consulting MU Consulting 1 team Consulting 2 team Consulting 3 team R&D eBiz team Mbiz team SI MU Sales 1 team Sales 2 team SI System team SI Develop team BSP MU CS team Biz 1 team Biz 2 team Biz 3 team

15 How to reach online user and provide Customised In-depth product information? How to reach online user and provide Customised In-depth product information? How to sell products and process orders Over the Web? How to sell products and process orders Over the Web? What are new offerings, unique to the Web? How to revolutionise business models and shift value creation? How to revolutionise business models and shift value creation? Product/Service Innovation Product/Service Innovation Business Model Innovation Business Model Innovation Marketing Innovation Channel Innovation Source : Arthur D.Little

16 Title Add your text

17 Text Cycle name Add Your Text

18 Text Cycle name Add Your Text

19 Text

20 Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3


22 2000 2001 2002 2003 Company History 2001.10 Add Your Text 2002.10 Add Your Text 2003.10 Add Your Text 2000.10 Add Your Text



25 病毒感染 引起 软件冲突 引起 咨询其他局 OA 管理员 无果 OA 客户端 市局网络设备



28 DW/E-CRM / CRM E-Marketplace SCM ElS GW/KMS ERP CMS Management & Business B2B Marketplace IPS EIP/EKP PMS Partner & Supplier Customer B2E B2C B2M  eBiz Sector & Solutions

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