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Opening Line(s)/ Attention Grabber.  The first sentence or two of your essay should capture the interest of your reader, draw them in, and introduce.

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Presentation on theme: "Opening Line(s)/ Attention Grabber.  The first sentence or two of your essay should capture the interest of your reader, draw them in, and introduce."— Presentation transcript:

1 Opening Line(s)/ Attention Grabber

2  The first sentence or two of your essay should capture the interest of your reader, draw them in, and introduce the subject of your paper.  Here are some techniques for accomplishing this goal:

3  Example: “When was the last time you spent over 20 minutes trying to find on-campus parking?” *Note*: It is best to avoid the second person “you” point of view in an essay, however opening with a rhetorical question is a widely accepted exception.

4  Example: “Campus parking has gotten out of hand.”

5  Example: “There is one parking spot for every ten students at our campus.” Or “’Convenient parking is essential to productive student life.’ (That Guy, 32)” *Note*: If you use a definition, stat, or quote from a source, you MUST cite it!

6  Example “Most students at our campus wait at least 20 minutes for a parking space if they arrive between the hours of 9:00 AM and noon.” *Note*: If it is a detail you learned from research, you must cite your source.

7  Example “Imagine your first day at a new college. You pull into the main parking lot 15 minutes before your first class is scheduled to begin. However, as soon as you enter, you see at least 20 cars circling the very full lot.” *Note*: Again, be careful of the second person “you”. For a hook, ok, but in the rest of the essay, stay away from it like it’s the plague.

8  Avoid using a generalized dramatic statement for your opening line. Ex: “All people feel the need to drive their own cars.” You may be wrong, and this statement is too broad  Avoid stereotypical openers like: “In today’s society” “Throughout History” “According to the dictionary”

9  To write an effective thesis statement, start with a general idea and then sharpen your focus.  Step 1: Choose a topic, e.g., the film, Pulp Fiction  Step 2: Focus the topic, e.g., excessive violence in Pulp Fiction  Step 3: Narrow the topic further by posing it as a question. E.g., “Why does Quentin Tarantino employ excessive violence in Pulp Fiction? “  Step 4: Answer the question. The answer is your thesis statement. E.g., “In the film Pulp Fiction, Quentin Tarantino uses excessive violence to mock American social and cultural values. “

10  Your school has just hired several new substitute teachers. The principal has asked each student for a suggestion that will help the substitutes succeed.  Write to inform the new substitutes about the most important thing they must do to be successful in your school.

11  Think about inventions that have affected our lives. Select one invention and write to explain how this invention has affected society as a whole.

12  You are creating a menu to serve to your friends for a special occasion.  Recommend your menu; tell why you made the choices you made. Also explain how you will effectively present this meal to your friends.

13  If you could have given advice to a well- known historical figure, who would that figure be, and what advice would you give.

14  Music is a part of every culture and plays different roles in people’s lives. Tell how music plays a role in American culture or in your own life.

15  High school students have made the journey from childhood to adolescence and are rapidly approaching adulthood.  What changes have occurred during this journey?

16  You and a friend are having a conversation about what makes “popular” students popular. Your friend tells you that being popular is important. You decide to write an essay sharing your thoughts about popularity and why you think the way you do.

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