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Tom Peters’ X25* EXCELLENCE. ALWAYS. State Farm/Las Vegas/15May2007 *In Search of Excellence 1982-2007.

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Presentation on theme: "Tom Peters’ X25* EXCELLENCE. ALWAYS. State Farm/Las Vegas/15May2007 *In Search of Excellence 1982-2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tom Peters’ X25* EXCELLENCE. ALWAYS. State Farm/Las Vegas/15May2007 *In Search of Excellence 1982-2007

2 20 $14,000,000,000,000- $25,000,000,000,000

3 Slides at …

4 “ It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.” “ It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.” —Charles Darwin

5 Punchline …

6 The last word: There is no “last word.”

7 Punchline …

8 Whoops: The last word: There is a “last word(s).”

9 25

10 R.O.I.R. R.O.I.R.* *Return On Investment In Relationships


12 Excellence1982: The Bedrock “Eight Basics” 1. A Bias for Action 2. Close to the Customer 3. Autonomy and Entrepreneurship 4. Productivity Through People 5. Hands On, Value-Driven 6. Stick to the Knitting 7. Simple Form, Lean Staff 8. Simultaneous Loose-Tight Properties” Properties”

13 EXCELLENCE. Hard is soft. Soft is hard.

14 Hard Is Soft Soft Is Hard

15 Hard Is Soft (# s ) Soft Is Hard (people)


17 Why in the World did you go to Siberia? go to Siberia?

18 The Peters Principles: Enthusiasm. Emotion. Excellence. Energy. Excitement. Service. Growth. Creativity. Imagination. Vitality. Joy. Surprise. Independence. Spirit. Community. Limitless human potential. Diversity. Profit. Innovation. Design. Quality. Entrepreneurialism. Wow!

19 “enterprises that Matter & change the game … offer solutions & experiences that surprise, amaze, and transform perceptions of what’s possible —and stick like super-glue in customers’ minds.* such offerings are brilliantly conceived and flawlessly delivered by unconventional, creative, hyper- committed, energetic talent from within & outside the organization.” —Tom Peters E.g.: Apple, Whole Foods, Cirque du Soleil, Starbucks, Wegmans, London Drugs, Griffin Hospital/Planetree Alliance, John Laing Homes, RE/MAX, Sewell Autos, Jim’s Group, The Met/Big Picture, Virgin, Commerce Bank, Google, Basement Systems Inc., Ford (circa 1917), IBM (circa 1970), Wannamaker’s (circa 1880)


21 “You do not merely want to be the best of the best. You want to be considered the only ones who do what you do.” “You do not merely want to be the best of the best. You want to be considered the only ones who do what you do.” —Jerry Garcia


23 “ Do one thing every day that scares you.” “ Do one thing every day that scares you.” —Eleanor Roosevelt

24 “Every time we come to a comfort zone, we will find a way out.” “No Cloning.” “‘Reinvent the brand’ with each new show.” “A typical day at the office for me begins by asking, ‘What is impossible that I am going to do today?’” —Daniel Lamarre, president, Cirque du Soleil Cirque du Soleil


26 InnoTacs

27 try it. Try it. Try it. Try it. Try it. Try it. Try it. Try it. Screw it up. Try it. Try it. Try it. Try it. Try it. Try it. Try it. Screw it up. it. Try it. Try it. try it. Try it. Screw it up. Try it. Try it. Try it.

28 do things.

29 “We have a ‘strategic plan.’ It’s called doing things.” “We have a ‘strategic plan.’ It’s called doing things.” — Herb Kelleher

30 drill.

31 you only find oil if you drill wells. “ This is so simple it sounds stupid, but it is amazing how few oil people really understand that you only find oil if you drill wells. You may think you’re finding it when you’re drawing maps and studying logs, but you have to drill.” Source: The Hunters, by John Masters, Canadian O & G wildcatter

32 try things.

33 “Experiment fearlessly” Tactic #1 “Experiment fearlessly” Source: BW0821.06, Type A Organization Strategies/ “How to Hit a Moving Target”— Tactic #1

34 Screw. things. Up.

35 Sam’s Secret #1!

36 try. Miss. try.

37 READY. FIRE! AIM. READY. FIRE! AIM. Ross Perot (vs “ Aim! Aim! Aim!” /EDS vs GM/1985)

38 No try. No deal.

39 “You miss 100% of the shots you never take.” —WayneGretzky “You miss 100% of the shots you never take.” —Wayne Gretzky

40 Women as innovation force!

41 94% of loans to … women* *M icrolending; “Banker to the poor”; Grameen Bank; Muhammad Yunus; 2006 Nobel Peace Prize winner

42 Women: Principal Change Agents/ Health & Finance (Yunus.94%, Yunus94)

43 Up, Up, Up, Up Up, Up, Up, Up the Value-added Ladder.


45 <$20 Trapper: <$20 per beaver pelt. Source: WSJ

46 wdcp/“Wildlife Damage-control Professional”: $150 to “remove” “problem beaver”; $750-$1,000 for flood-control piping … so that beavers can stay. Source: WSJ


48 $55B

49 Huge: Satisfaction Success Huge: Customer Satisfaction versus Customer Success

50 “He had done nothing to sell me on his business, yet he had given me the most powerful sales pitch of my life. Because his sole concern had been my welfare and the success of my business.” —Jim Penman, on learning how to sell (What Will They Franchise Next? The Story of Jim's Group)

51 OPPORTUNITY-SEEKING Customer Success/ Gamechanging Solutions The Value-added Ladder/ OPPORTUNITY-SEEKING Customer Success/ Gamechanging Solutions Services Goods Raw Materials


53 “ Experiences are as distinct from services as services are from goods.” “ Experiences are as distinct from services as services are from goods.” —Joe Pine & Jim Gilmore, The Experience Economy: Work Is Theatre & Every Business a Stage

54 “We have identified a ‘third place.’ “The [ Starbucks ] Fix” Is on … “We have identified a ‘third place.’ And I really believe that sets us apart. The third place is that place that’s not work or home. It’s the place our customers come for refuge.” —Nancy Orsolini, District Manager

55 $798

56 “What we sell is the ability for a 43- year-old accountant to dress in black leather, ride through small towns and have people be afraid of him.” Harley Experience: “Rebel Lifestyle!” “What we sell is the ability for a 43- year-old accountant to dress in black leather, ride through small towns and have people be afraid of him.” Harley exec, quoted in Results-Based Leadership

57 Up, Up, Up, Up Up, Up, Up, Up the Value-added Ladder.

58 MEMORABLE CONNECTION Spellbinding Experiences The Value-added Ladder/ MEMORABLE CONNECTION Spellbinding Experiences Gamechanging Solutions Services Goods Raw Materials

59 Commerce Bank: From “Service” to “Experience” 7X. 730A- 800P. F12A.* *’93-’03/10 yr annual return: CB: 29%; WM: 17%; HD: 16%. Mkt Cap: 48% p.a.

60 The Commerce Bank Model “cost cutting is a death spiral.” Source: Fans! Not customers. How Commerce Bank Created a Super-growth Business in a No-growth Industry, Vernon Hill & Bob Andelman

61 “Our whole story is growing revenue.” —Vernon Hills (Top-line driven; standard is bottom-line driven by cost cutting)

62 The Commerce Bank Model “over-invest in our people, over-invest in our facilities.” Source: Fans! Not customers. How Commerce Bank Created a Super-growth Business in a No-growth Industry, Vernon Hill & Bob Andelman

63 The Commerce Bank Model “we want them in our stores.” Source: Fans! Not customers. How Commerce Bank Created a Super-growth Business in a No-growth Industry, Vernon Hill & Bob Andelman

64 The Commerce Bank Model “we don’t accept the 80/20 theory. We believe every customer has value, that you can’t tell which one is the high-value customer over time, and that that philosophy degrades the brand.” Source: Fans! Not customers. How Commerce Bank Created a Super-growth Business in a No-growth Industry, Vernon Hill & Bob Andelman

65 Starbucks ‘Every Starbucks store is carefully designed to enhance the quality of everything the customers see, touch, hear, smell or taste,’ “With its carefully conceived mix of colors and textures, aromas and music, Starbucks is more indicative of our era than the iMac. It is to the Age of Aesthetics what McDonald’s was to the Age of Convenience or Ford was to the Age of Mass Production—the touchstone success story, the exemplar of … the aesthetic imperative. … ‘Every Starbucks store is carefully designed to enhance the quality of everything the customers see, touch, hear, smell or taste,’ writes CEO Howard Schultz.” -—Virginia Postrel, The Substance of Style: How the Rise of Aesthetic Value Is Remaking Commerce, Culture and Consciousness


67 We sell dreams Furniture vs. Dreams “We do not sell ‘furniture’ at Domain. We sell dreams. This is accomplished by addressing the half-formed needs in our customers’ heads. By uncovering these needs, we, in essence, fill in the blanks. We convert ‘needs’ into ‘dreams.’ Sales are the inevitable result.” — Judy George, Domain Home Fashions

68 Up, Up, Up, Up Up, Up, Up, Up the Value-added Ladder.

69 EMOTION Dreams Come True The Value-added Ladder/ EMOTION Dreams Come True Spellbinding Experiences Gamechanging Solutions Services Goods Raw Materials

70 “Storytelling is the core of culture.” “Storytelling is the core of culture.” —Branded Nation: The Marketing of Megachurch, College Inc., and Museumworld, James Twitchell

71 Best story wins!




75 “Forget China, India and the Internet : Economic Growth Is Driven by Women.” “Forget China, India and the Internet : Economic Growth Is Driven by Women.” —Headline, Economist, April 15, 2006, Leader, page 14

76 Women’s Trifecta+ *Buy *Wealth *Lead + ECLIPSE OF MALES Women’s Trifecta+ *Buy *Wealth *Lead + ECLIPSE OF MALES (Old/Retire; Young/Poorly educated)

77 “Boys Falling Seven Years Behind Girls at GCSE Level” Not Just America … “Boys Falling Seven Years Behind Girls at GCSE Level” —headline, Weekly Telegraph, UK, 10.25.06

78 “Girls are the new boys.” Source: The Daily Mail, 0425.2007, “Why today’s women want a girl”

79 “Women are the majority market” —Fara Warner/The Power of the Purse

80 “The most significant variable in every sales situation is the gender of the buyer, and more importantly, how the salesperson communicates to the buyer’s gender.” “The most significant variable in every sales situation is the gender of the buyer, and more importantly, how the salesperson communicates to the buyer’s gender.” —Jeffery Tobias Halter, Selling to Men, Selling to Women

81 The Perfect Answer Jill and Jack buy slacks in black…


83 They join them.” “Women don’t buy brands. They join them.” EVEolution

84 2.6 vs. 21

85 Selling to men: The TRANSACTION Model Selling to Women: The RELATIONAL Model Source: Selling to Men, Selling to Women, Jeffery Tobias Halter

86 10.6

87 10 UNASSAILABLE REASONS WOMEN RULE Women make [all] the financial decisions. Women control [all] the wealth. Women [substantially] outlive men. Women start most of the new businesses. Women’s work force participation rates have soared worldwide. soared worldwide. Women are closing in on “same pay for same job.” job.” Women are penetrating senior ranks rapidly [even if the pace is slow for the corner [even if the pace is slow for the corner office per se]. office per se]. Women’s leadership strengths are exceptionally well aligned with new organizational effectiveness & aligned with new organizational effectiveness & value-added imperatives. value-added imperatives. Women are better salespersons than men. Women buy [almost] everything—commercial as well as consumer goods. as well as consumer goods. So what exactly is … the point of men?

88 For a number of observers, we have already entered the age of ‘womenomics,’ the economy as thought out and practiced by a woman.” “One thing is certain: Women’s rise to power, which is linked to the increase in wealth per capita, is happening in all domains and at all levels of society. Women are no longer content to provide efficient labor or to be consumers with rising budgets and more autonomy to spend. … This is just the beginning. The phenomenon will only grow as girls prove to be more successful than boys in the school system. For a number of observers, we have already entered the age of ‘womenomics,’ the economy as thought out and practiced by a woman.” —Aude Zieseniss de Thuin, Financial Times, 10.03.2006


90 20 $14,000,000,000,000- $25,000,000,000,000

91 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! “People turning 50 today have more than half of their adult life ahead of them.” “People turning 50 today have more than half of their adult life ahead of them.” —Bill Novelli, 50+: Igniting a Revolution to Reinvent America

92 7/13


94 We are the Aussies & Kiwis & Americans & Canadians. We are the Western Europeans & Japanese. We are the fastest growing, the biggest, the wealthiest, the boldest, the most (yes) ambitious, the most experimental & exploratory, the most different, the most indulgent, the most difficult & demanding, the most service & experience obsessed, the most vigorous, (the least vigorous,) the most health conscious, the most female, the most profoundly important commercial market in the history of the world—and we will be the Center of your universe for the next twenty-five years. We have arrived!


96 See me. Watch me. respect me. Suck up to me. Serve me. Love me. Love my longevity. Love my m-o-n-e-y.

97 Elizabeth Cady Stanton (more or less) (circa 0331.2007)

98 See “her.” Watch her. respect her. Be obsequious to her. Serve her. Love her. Love her long longevity. Love her m-o-n-e-y. (which is damn near a-l-l the mon-$$$$$$.) the mon-$$$$$$.)

99 Boomers’-Geezers’-Women’s Trifecta+ *Buy/all *Wealth/all *time left/ lots *Eclipse of males/retire-die

100 Pause. “Little Stuff.”

101 Thank You!


103 “Courtesies of a small and trivial character are the ones which strike deepest in the grateful and appreciating heart.” “Courtesies of a small and trivial character are the ones which strike deepest in the grateful and appreciating heart.” —Henry Clay

104 Jim Jeffords oversight! The … Jim Jeffords oversight!




108 “It was much later that I realized Dad’s secret. He gained respect by giving it. He talked and listened to the fourth-grade kids in Spring Valley who shined shoes the same way he talked and listened to a bishop or a college president. He was seriously interested in who you were and what you had to say.” Sara Lawrence-Lightfoot, Respect

109 “The deepest human need is the need to be appreciated.” William James

110 THE ONE THING YOU NEED TO KNOW (Marcus Buckingham)

111 “The one thing you need to know about sustained individual success: Discover what you don’t like doing and stop doing it.” “The one thing you need to know about sustained individual success: Discover what you don’t like doing and stop doing it.” —Marcus Buckingham, The One Thing You Need to Know

112 “Little Stuff” (the end) (almost)

113 EXCELLENCE. BEDROCK. LEADERSHIP. “12 P s.” BEDROCK. LEADERSHIP. “12 P s.” Tom Peters/04.18.2007

114 PURPOSE. PASSION. Potential. Presence. Personal. pissed off. Playful. PERSISTENCE. PEOPLE. Peculiar. Potent. Positive.


116 “A leader is a dealer in hope.” (+TP’s writing room pics) “A leader is a dealer in hope.” —Napoleon (+TP’s writing room pics)

117 PURPOSE. PASSION. Potential. Presence. Personal. pissed off. Playful. PERSISTENCE. PEOPLE. Peculiar. Potent. Positive.

118 “Nothing is so contagious as enthusiasm.” “Nothing is so contagious as enthusiasm.” —Samuel Taylor Coleridge

119 PURPOSE. PASSION. Potential. Presence. Personal. pissed off. Playful. PERSISTENCE. PEOPLE. Peculiar. Potent. Positive.

120 “The role of the Director is to create a space where the actors and actresses can become more than they’ve ever been before, more than they’ve dreamed of being.” —Robert Altman, Oscar acceptance speech

121 PURPOSE. PASSION. Potential. Presence. Personal. pissed off. Playful. PERSISTENCE. PEOPLE. Potent. Positive.

122 25

123 PURPOSE. PASSION. Potential. Presence. Personal. pissed off. Playful. PERSISTENCE. PEOPLE. Peculiar. Potent. Positive.

124 “ You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” “ You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” Gandhi

125 Questions: What do others think of you? [Are you sure?] What do you think of you? [Are you sure?] What is your impact on others? [Are you sure?] What is your impact on others? [Are you sure?] What is your impact on others? [Are you sure?] What are the “little things” you (perhaps unconsciously) do that cause people to shrivel—or blossom? [Are you sure?] What do you want? [Are you sure?] Are you aware of your changing moods? [Are you sure?] How fragile is your ego? [Are you sure?] Do you have a true confidant? [Are you sure?] Do you perform brief or not-so-brief self-assessments? Do you talk too much? [Are you sure?] Do you know how to listen? [Are you sure?] Do you listen? [Are you sure?] What is your style of “hashing things out”? Are you perceived as (a) arrogant, (b) abrasive (c) attentive, (d) genuinely interested in people, (e) etc? [Are you sure?] Are you flexible? Have you changed your mind about anything important in a while? Are you comfortable-uncomfortable with folks on the front line? Do you think you’re “in touch with the pulse of things around here”? [Are You Sure?] Are you too emotional/intuitive? Are you too unemotional/rational? Do you spend much time with people who are new to you? [Do you think questions like this are “so much BS”?]

126 PURPOSE. PASSION. Potential. Presence. Personal. pissed off. Playful. PERSISTENCE. PEOPLE. Peculiar. Potent. Positive.

127 Pissed Off* ** *As in “I’m pissed off and I’m not gonna take it any more …” **Innovation Stems from Irritation (Re-imagining Results from Rage)

128 Innovation: Get mad. Start Doing something about it. Now.

129 PURPOSE. PASSION. Potential. Presence. Personal. pissed off. Playful. PERSISTENCE. PEOPLE. Peculiar. Potent. Positive.

130 READY. FIRE! AIM. READY. FIRE! AIM. Ross Perot (vs “ Aim! Aim! Aim!” /EDS vs GM/1985)

131 PURPOSE. PASSION. Potential. Presence. Personal. pissed off. Playful. PERSISTENCE. PEOPLE. Peculiar. Potent. Positive.

132 “This [adolescent] incident [of getting from point A to point B] is notable not only because it underlines Grant’s fearless horsemanship and his determination, but also it is the first known example of a very important peculiarity of his character : Grant had an extreme, almost phobic dislike of turning back and retracing his steps. If he set out for somewhere, he would get there somehow, whatever the difficulties that lay in his way. This idiosyncrasy would turn out to be one the factors that made him such a formidable general. Grant would always, always press on—turning back was not an option for him.” —Michael Korda, Ulysses Grant

133 Relentless: “One of my superstitions had always been when I started to go anywhere or to do anything, not to turn back, or stop, until the thing intended was accomplished.” Relentless: “One of my superstitions had always been when I started to go anywhere or to do anything, not to turn back, or stop, until the thing intended was accomplished.” —Grant

134 PURPOSE. PASSION. Potential. Presence. Personal. pissed off. Playful. PERSISTENCE. PEOPLE. Peculiar. Potent. Positive.

135 “Leaders ‘do’ people. Period.” “Leaders ‘do’ people. Period.” —Anon.

136 “The leaders of Great Groups love talent and know where to find it. They revel in the talent of others.” “The leaders of Great Groups love talent and know where to find it. They revel in the talent of others.” —Warren Bennis & Patricia Ward Biederman, Organizing Genius

137 “Connoisseur of Talent” PARC’s Bob Taylor: “Connoisseur of Talent”

138 People! People!

139 Brand = Talent.

140 To develop and manage talent; to apply that talent, throughout the world, for the benefit of clients; to do so in partnership; to do so with profit. Our Mission To develop and manage talent; to apply that talent, throughout the world, for the benefit of clients; to do so in partnership; to do so with profit. WPP

141 “Leaders ‘SERVE’ people. Period.” “Leaders ‘SERVE’ people. Period.” —Anon.

142 PURPOSE. PASSION. Potential. Presence. Personal. pissed off. Playful. PERSISTENCE. PEOPLE. Peculiar. Potent. Positive.

143 “Normal” = “o for 800”

144 PURPOSE. PASSION. Potential. Presence. Personal. pissed off. Playful. PERSISTENCE. PEOPLE. Peculiar. Potent. Positive.

145 The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it. The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it. Michelangelo

146 1. Ready. Fire! Aim. 2. If it ain’t broke... Break it! 3. Hire crazies. 4. Ask dumb questions. 5. Pursue failure. 6. Lead, follow... or get out of the way! 7. Spread confusion. 8. Ditch your office. 9. Read odd stuff. Avoid moderation! Kevin Roberts’ Credo 1. Ready. Fire! Aim. 2. If it ain’t broke... Break it! 3. Hire crazies. 4. Ask dumb questions. 5. Pursue failure. 6. Lead, follow... or get out of the way! 7. Spread confusion. 8. Ditch your office. 9. Read odd stuff. 10. Avoid moderation!

147 PURPOSE. PASSION. Potential. Presence. Personal. pissed off. Playful. PERSISTENCE. PEOPLE. Peculiar. Potent. Positive.

148 “[other] admirals more frightened of losing than anxious to win” On NELSON: “[other] admirals more frightened of losing than anxious to win”

149 PURPOSE. PASSION. Potential. Presence. Personal. pissed off. Playful. PERSISTENCE. PEOPLE. Peculiar. Potent. Positive.

150 “Excellence can be obtained if you:... care more than others think is wise;... risk more than others think is safe;... dream more than others think is practical;... expect more than others think is practical;... expect more than others think is possible.” is possible.” Source: Anon. (Posted @ by K.Sriram, November 27, 2006 1:17 AM)

151 GERONIMO!’ "Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in one pretty and well preserved piece, but to skid across the line broadside, thoroughly used up, worn out, leaking oil, shouting ‘GERONIMO!’ ” —Bill McKenna, professional motorcycle racer (Cycle magazine 02.1982)

152 Ger- on-i- mo !

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