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STUDENT GROWTH PERCENTILE Measuring Student Learning Growth and Interpreting the Teacher Report Diane Fiello, Vice President of TCRP Harris Luu, TCRP Leadership.

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Presentation on theme: "STUDENT GROWTH PERCENTILE Measuring Student Learning Growth and Interpreting the Teacher Report Diane Fiello, Vice President of TCRP Harris Luu, TCRP Leadership."— Presentation transcript:

1 STUDENT GROWTH PERCENTILE Measuring Student Learning Growth and Interpreting the Teacher Report Diane Fiello, Vice President of TCRP Harris Luu, TCRP Leadership Coach

2 Measuring Student Learning Growth in The College Ready Promise Schools: Our Objectives 1.Review the TCRP theoretical framework? 2.What are multiple measure and how is it used to assess teacher performance? 3.How can student learning growth be measured? 4.How will The College Ready Promise report student, teacher and school learning (reading and interpreting the teacher report)?

3 TCRP Theoretical Framework 3 Effective Principals Support Evaluate Effective Teachers Recruit Support Evaluate Compensate Increase Student Achievement Data Systems

4 Multiple Measures of Teacher Effectiveness 4 CST-Tested SubjectsNon-CST-Tested Subjects

5 What is Student Learning Growth? 270 299 349 400 Far Below Basic 150 Below Basic Basic Proficient Advanced 600 Grade 6Grade 7 CST ELA SCALE SCORE 305 322 Grade 8 345 17 23 Achievement results tell us what each student knows at a single point in time. Student learning growth tells us how much each student progresses from one year to the next. Both types of information are important.

6 How is Learning Growth Being Measured Across the United States? Growth to Standard Models How much do students need to grow each year to reach Proficiency Value-added Models Did the school or teacher cause an amount of learning growth that is statistically above, at, or below expectation Student Growth Percentile Models How much do students grow compared to similar students

7 What are Student Growth Percentiles? measure how much a student has learned from one year to the next compared to other students with similar test scores expressed as a percentile from 1 to 99

8 330 270 299 349 400 Far Below Basic 150 Below Basic Basic Proficient Advanced 600 Grade 6 Grade 7 CST ELA SCALE SCORE Student Growth Percentile Example (Elijah) 305 60% 40% SGP 99 50 1 SGP = 60 Similar Students

9 270 299 349 400 Far Below Basic 150 Below Basic Basic Proficient Advanced 600 Grade 6Grade 7 CST ELA SCALE SCORE Student Growth Percentile Example (Rosa) 385 91% SGP 99 50 1 SGP = 9 352 9% Similar Students

10 270 299 349 400 Far Below Basic 150 Below Basic Basic Proficient Advanced 600 Grade 6Grade 7 CST ELA SCALE SCORE Student Growth Percentile Example (Jimmy) 186 83% SGP = 83 273 Similar Students 17%

11 Key Concepts about Measuring Growth 1.Growth is distinct from achievement A student can achieve at a low level but grow quickly, and vice versa (Jimmy, Rosa, Elijah) 2.Each student is compared only to their academic peers (students with similar achievement levels) The comparison base for TCRP is all 2 nd to 11 th grade students in TCRP & LAUSD 3.Demographic variables, socio-economic status and initial achievement have virtually no impact on student growth results.

12 Reporting SGPs for Groups Last name SGP Hernandez21 Bing24 Johnson27 Harrison32 Morales34 Portis47 Jackson55 Stills61 Lund63 Hershberg74 James81 Andres88 Sims95 Imagine that the list of students to the left are all the students in your 7th grade class. Note that the SGPs are sorted from lowest to highest. The point where 50% of students have a higher SGP, and 50% have a lower SGP is the median. Median SGP for this 7th grade class is 55.

13 Practice Find the median SGP of the following group of students. First name SGP Joey7 Mariell8 Bella14 Bianca32 Jordon40 Veronica51 Noe56 Jorge61 Linda63 Victor71 James80 Angela88 Dionne89 Araceli92 Hint: Place the scores from lowest to highest. If the middle number is the “median”. If there is an even number of scores, take mean/ average of the 2 middle scores.

14 Rubric ScoreStudent Growth Percentile Ranges 470-100% 350-69.9% 235-49.9% 10-34.9% Teacher Effectiveness Rubric Scores Ranges for teacher SGP used to determine teacher effectiveness levels were selected based on statistical evaluation.

15 Reading the Teacher Report To gain a better understanding of how to read the Teacher Report To analyze the data To interpret the data To make decisions based on the data Objectives

16 School and Department Means Criteria for Valid Scores Scatterplot Student Roster Four Components of the Teacher Report

17 School and Department Medians All Subjects History All SubjectsMath School Median SGP56.553

18 Criteria for Valid Scores Annual SGP Validity Number of Students Number of Students with 120+ Days Teacher Days All Criteria Met? Teacher Median SGP Criteria 25 or more 75% or more Actual 7065Yes 53

19 Scatterplot SGP = 4 CST = 219 SGP = 5 CST = 233 SGP = 99 CST = 430

20 Scatterplot

21 Practice

22 Student Roster FIRST NAMELAST NAMESUBJECTSGPSCALED SCOREPROF LEVELVALID? Noe Algebra I99430AdvancedYes Ruby Algebra I99430AdvancedYes Cindy Algebra I97361ProficientYes Ruben Algebra I95361ProficientYes Lorraine Algebra I94342BasicYes Joseph Algebra I93366ProficientYes Jonathan Algebra I91454AdvancedYes Alexandra Algebra I87511AdvancedYes Milvia Algebra I87304BasicYes Juan Algebra I86528AdvancedYes Miriam Algebra I86398ProficientYes Pedro Algebra I85323BasicYes Jonathan Algebra I85313BasicYes Violeta Algebra I84279Below BasicYes Fernando Algebra I81346BasicYes Leticia Algebra I81289Below BasicYes Daysha Algebra I81279Below BasicYes Johnathan Algebra I77342BasicYes Angelica Algebra I76423ProficientYes Octabio Algebra I76284Below BasicYes Marco Algebra I72430AdvancedYes Cinthia Algebra I71361ProficientYes Miriam Algebra I71337BasicNo Lezze Algebra I70366ProficientYes Ernest Algebra I70284Below BasicYes Deon Algebra I70274Below BasicYes Darnesha Algebra I68279Below BasicYes Ashley Algebra I67279Below BasicYes Kebin Algebra I66299Below BasicNo David Algebra I65327BasicYes Grace Algebra I60416ProficientYes Esmeralda Algebra I58289Below BasicYes Fabiola Algebra I58289Below BasicYes Maria Algebra I54366ProficientYes

23 Measuring Student Learning Growth in The College Ready Promise Schools: Reviewing Objectives 1.The TCRP theoretical framework has a goal of improving student achievement. 2.The multiple measures used to assess teacher performance are SGP, teacher practice, student feedback, and family feedback. 3.Student learning growth is measured by SGP (student growth percentiles) 4.SGP is growth measured with a cohort of academic peers from one year to the next, using CST results. 5.The College Ready Promise reports includes 4 elements: school and department means, valid scores, a scatter plot, and student roster

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