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Most common work-related health problem in Europe  A quarter of workers report suffering from backache and a similar proportion complain of muscular.

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2 Most common work-related health problem in Europe  A quarter of workers report suffering from backache and a similar proportion complain of muscular pains; in the new Member States, the figure is almost 40%  Agriculture and construction workers report most musculoskeletal complaints, however all sectors are concerned  A quarter of the time or more: otwo thirds of workers are exposed to repetitive hand and arm movements oa half work in painful or tiring positions oa third carry or move heavy loads

3 MSDs affect……  Muscles, joints, tendons, ligaments and nerves in the back, neck, shoulders and upper/lower limbs  The risk factors, working alone or in combination, include: ophysical - force, repetitive movements, vibration, awkward postures oorganisational - low autonomy/job satisfaction, repetitive work at a high pace oindividual - medical history, physical capacity, age

4 Lighten the Load  A European campaign to tackle MSDs in the workplace  Builds on the 2000 European campaign  Backed by the EU Presidencies of Germany and Portugal, European Parliament, European Commission and European social partners  Culminates in the European Week of Safety and Health at Work from 22 to 26 October 2007

5 Lighten the Load — aims  Promotes an integrated management approach with three elements: oemployers, employees and government working together oaddressing the “whole load on the body” — ie all the strains being put on the body, as well as the load being carried omanaging the retention, rehabilitation and return to work of those with MSDs

6 MSDs are preventable if the right action is taken  We all share responsibility for tackling MSDs: oemployers are legally required to assess workplace risks and protect workers osafety isn’t all down to the employer - workers should co-operate with employers to protect themselves osafety representatives/institutions, governments and policy-makers have roles

7 Where to find out more  There is more help and advice on how to stay safe and healthy at work on the Lighten the Load website - http://ew2007.osha.europa.eu  And the MSDs Single Entry Point -

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