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Geneva, April 2007 GTSPP by Bob Keeley (Canada) and Charles Sun (U.S.A)

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Presentation on theme: "Geneva, April 2007 GTSPP by Bob Keeley (Canada) and Charles Sun (U.S.A)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Geneva, April 2007 GTSPP by Bob Keeley (Canada) and Charles Sun (U.S.A)

2 Geneva, April 2007 Some history GTSPP = Global Temperature Salinity Profile Project Began in 1990 Objective is to provide improved access to the highest resolution, highest quality data as quickly as possible Data collection Real-time (GTS) Delayed mode Users Hours-days Days-years 3 days Days-years Science QC annual

3 Geneva, April 2007 Where we fit A jointly sponsored IODE, JCOMM project Provide the data management support to the ship of opportunity programme Manage all ocean profile data reporting on the GTS (XBTs, CTD, moorings, Argo, animals) Data converted to a standard project format, standard QC procedures, flags, and track processing history

4 Geneva, April 2007 Statistic (to end of 2006)

5 Geneva, April 2007 Update Volumes of real-time BATHY reports have fallen from 32,000 in 2005 to 28,000 in 2006. TESACs have increased due to Argo and moorings that report hourly observations. Almost 1 million profiles as the end of 2006. More than 80% of ship reports get into the archives within 3 days and nearly 90% of Argo arrive within 24 hours. These are significant improvements from the start of GTSPP

6 Geneva, April 2007 Usage

7 Geneva, April 2007 Collaborations WOCE CLIVAR GODAE QC Intercomparison Coriolis / Mercator Others

8 Geneva, April 2007 Advantages GTSPP offers the combination of all profile data into a single format. We are testing a unique identifier with the US SEAS program and now also with one of our own institutes in Canada providing delayed mode data. We have a vocabulary of variable names used by participants and expanded to include other institutes in Canada and BODC We have developed capability to both read and write some data in BUFR and this is expanding.

9 Geneva, April 2007 Cyclical Redundancy Check (CRC)

10 Geneva, April 2007 Location Map of Z Stations

11 Geneva, April 2007 Concerns Some Argo floats are reporting pressure as depth on GTS and we seek their help to correct this With the ending of WOCE funding, the science centre QC formerly done by 3 centres has ceased. We are looking for other partners The current chair (Keeley) will step down. Volunteers please. We will be holding a small ad-hoc meeting here to discuss these issues and try to see our way forwards on some.

12 Geneva, April 2007 Plans Continue operations Complete annual reports Continue collaborations Provide metrics to JCOMM Evaluate data tag Identify a centre to do Science QC Install a new chair

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