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Mr. Ted's Science Class January 31th, 2016 What are we learning today? Unit 8: Ecological Relationships I will be able to: (1) Explain the difference between.

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Presentation on theme: "Mr. Ted's Science Class January 31th, 2016 What are we learning today? Unit 8: Ecological Relationships I will be able to: (1) Explain the difference between."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mr. Ted's Science Class January 31th, 2016 What are we learning today? Unit 8: Ecological Relationships I will be able to: (1) Explain the difference between a Prey and a Predator (2) Identify some adaptation between prey and predator (3) Define: Adaptation, prey, predator, camouflage, mimicry, and field of view Ecological: الإيكولوجية Relationship: علاق Explain: شرح Prey: فريسة Predator: المفترس Adaptation: التكيف camouflage: تمويه mimicry: محاكاة field of view: مجال الرؤية

2 Ecological Relationship Prey: An animal that is eaten by a predator Predator: An animal that eats other animals Prey: فريسة Predator: المفترس

3 Ecological Relationship Years whennumbers werehighest between1900 and 1930 Number of Hares1903191219231928 Number of Lynx1905191419261931

4 Ecological Relationship Years whennumbers werehighest between1900 and 1930 Number of Hares1903191219231928 Number of Lynx1905191419261931 What pattern do you see between the years when Hares were the highest and when Lynx were the highest?

5 Ecological Relationship Years whennumbers werehighest between1900 and 1930 Number of Hares1903191219231928 Number of Lynx1905191419261931 What will happen to the number of prey if the number of predator decreases?

6 Ecological Relationship Adaptation: the process of changing something to survive in a new situation Survive: البقاء Adaptation: التكيف

7 Ecological Relationship Adaptation of Prey and Predator Camouflage Mimicry Warning Coloration Adaptation: التكيف camouflage: تمويه mimicry: محاكاة Warning color: لون تحذير

8 Ecological Relationship What is one benefit of having eyes on the side of your head?

9 Ecological Relationship Field of View: The area within which you can see objects when your head is not moving field of view: مجال الرؤية area: منطقة

10 Ecological Relationship Field of View: Activity 3.1 page 226

11 Mr. Ted's Science Class January 31th, 2016 What did you learn today? Unit 8: Ecological Relationships What is a prey? What is an predator? Name three adaptations of animal? What is field of view?

12 Fact of the Day Predator depend on their prey for food In a habitat: –If the number of prey increases, the number of predators will increase a year or two later –If the number of prey decreases, the number of predators will also decrease An animal's field of view is the area in which it can see objects when its head is not moving Animals use different ways to survive. They include camouflage, mimicry, and warning colorations

13 Homework Homework Sheet

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