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NEXT 15 20 25 510 Types of Government Vocab. Vocab 2 Vocab 3 Test Questions. 5 5 5 5 10 15 20 25 20 Team One Team Two Team Three Team Four.

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9 15 20 25 510 Types of Government Vocab. Vocab 2 Vocab 3 Test Questions. 5 5 5 5 10 15 20 25 20 Team One Team Two Team Three Team Four Team Five Team Six

10 Types of Government Question for 5 Points A government in which a few people such as a dominant clan or clique have power. Show Answer

11 Types of Government Answer for 5 Points Oligarchy Back to Board

12 Types of Government Question for 10 Points A country ruled by a single leader. The leader has not been elected and may use force to keep control. Show Answer

13 Types of Government Answer for 10 Points Dictatorship Back to Board

14 Types of Government Question for 15 Points A ________ has a king, queen, emperor or empress. Show Answer

15 Types of Government Answer for 15 Points Monarchy Back to Board

16 Types of Government Question for 20 Points Government by a single person having unlimited power; despotism (domination through threat of punishment and violence). Show Answer

17 Types of Government Answer for 20 Points Autocracy Back to Board

18 Types of Government Question for 25 Points _______ is a situation where there is no government. Show Answer

19 Types of Government Answer for 25 Points Anarchy Back to Board

20 Vocabulary Question for 5 Points A body of people, living in a defined territory, organized politically, and with the power to make and enforce laws with the consent of higher authority. Show Answer

21 Vocabulary Answer for 5 Points State Back to Board

22 Vocabulary Question for 10 Points Institution through which a society makes and enforces its public policies. Show Answer

23 Vocabulary Answer for 10 Points Government Back to Board

24 Vocabulary Question for 15 Points When a state has supreme and absolute power within its own territory and can decide its own foreign and domestic policies. Show Answer

25 Vocabulary Answer for 15 Points Sovereign Back to Board

26 Vocabulary Question for 20 Points Is often described as a centralized Government. Show Answer

27 Vocabulary Answer for 20 Points Unitary Government Back to Board

28 Vocabulary Question for 25 Points An adjustment of opposing principles or systems by modifying some aspect of each. Show Answer

29 Vocabulary Answer for 25 Points Compromise Back to Board

30 Vocabulary 2 Question for 5 Points An alliance of independent states. Show Answer

31 Vocabulary 2 Answer for 5 Points Confederation Back to Board

32 Vocabulary 2 Question for 10 Points A _______ government is one in which the powers of government are divided between a central government and several local governments. Show Answer

33 Vocabulary 2 Answer for 10 Points Federal Back to Board

34 Vocabulary 2 Question for 15 Points The power to interpret laws, to determine their meanings, and to settle disputes that arise within the society. Show Answer

35 Vocabulary 2 Answer for 15 Points Judicial Power Back to Board

36 Vocabulary 2 Question for 20 Points The ______ _______ of a government are all of those things a government decides to do. Show Answer

37 Vocabulary 2 Answer for 20 Points Public Policies Back to Board

38 Vocabulary 2 Question for 25 Points A law which states that when supplies of goods and services become plentiful, prices tend to drop. When supplies become scarcer, prices tend to rise. Show Answer

39 Vocabulary 2 Answer for 25 Points Law of supply and demand Back to Board

40 Vocabulary 3 Question for 5 Points To declare illegal, null and void, of no force and effect-a governmental action found to violate some provision in the Constitution. Show Answer

41 Vocabulary 3 Answer for 5 Points Unconstitutional Back to Board

42 Vocabulary 3 Question for 10 Points In _______ ________, the executive is made up of the prime minister or premier, and that official’s cabinet. Show Answer

43 Vocabulary 3 Answer for 10 Points Parliamentary Government Back to Board

44 Vocabulary 3 Question for 15 Points In a _________ ________, the executive and legislative branches of the government are separate, independent of one another, and coequal. Show Answer

45 Vocabulary 3 Answer for 15 Points Presidential Government Back to Board

46 Vocabulary 3 Question for 20 Points The body of fundamental laws setting out the principles, structures, and processes of government. Show Answer

47 Vocabulary 3 Answer for 20 Points Constitution Back to Board

48 Vocabulary 3 Question for 25 Points The power to make law and frame public policies Show Answer

49 Vocabulary 3 Answer for 25 Points Legislative Back to Board

50 Test Questions Question for 5 Points Of the four theories we have looked at for the proposed origin of the state, which is the MOST PRIMITIVE theory of how states came to be? Show Answer

51 Test Questions Answer for 5 Points Evolution Theory Back to Board

52 Test Questions Question for 10 Points In a ________, the will of the majority cannot be used to deprive rights to a member of a minority group Show Answer

53 Test Questions Answer for 10 Points Democracy Back to Board

54 Test Questions Question for 15 Points The individual 50 States lack which basic characteristic of a state? Show Answer

55 Test Questions Answer for 15 Points Sovereignty Back to Board

56 Test Questions Question for 20 Points A _________ government is one in which power is divided between a central government and local governments. Show Answer

57 Test Questions Answer for 20 Points federal Back to Board

58 Test Questions Question for 25 Points Which of the four theories states that the origin of the state is the one that supports modern democracies? Show Answer

59 Test Questions Answer for 25 Points Social Theory Back to Board

60 Show Question

61 “Big Points” Question The power of the courts to determine whether what a government does is in accord with what the Constitution provides. Show Answer 302928272625242322212019181716151413121110987654321

62 Big Points Answer for Big Points Judicial Review Back to Board

63 Big Board Facts © 2010 Jeff Ertzberger All rights reserved. All Clipart copyright– All Rights Reserved. Some images have been modified from original This presentation may not be sold, or redistributed in any form without written permission of the author. For even more template games and great resources visit: By using this game you are agreeing to our terms of use.terms of use End

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