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Culture data for the Scottish Government National Performance Framework and Equalities Evidence website Martin Macfie, Assistant Statistician Communities.

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Presentation on theme: "Culture data for the Scottish Government National Performance Framework and Equalities Evidence website Martin Macfie, Assistant Statistician Communities."— Presentation transcript:

1 Culture data for the Scottish Government National Performance Framework and Equalities Evidence website Martin Macfie, Assistant Statistician Communities Analytical Services Scottish Government 21 September 2012

2 Outline of presentation 1.National Performance Framework Refresh and New National Indicator for Culture 2.Scottish Government Equalities Evidence website 3.Changes to SHS culture questions 4.Recommended Local Outcome Indicator for Culture

3 1. Culture and the National Performance Framework Culture contributes to all National Outcomes. National Performance Framework refresh and Scotland Performs website. Now 50 National Indicators compared with 45 previously. Redefining and changing of some National Indicators National Indicator for Culture for the first time – “Increase Cultural Engagement”. Approved by Cabinet Secretary for Culture and External Affairs. cotPerforms/indicator cotPerforms/indicator


5 National Indicator: “Increase Cultural Engagement” Indicator based on % of adults who have EITHER attended/visited a cultural event or place or have participated in a cultural activity in the last 12 months Based on Scottish Household Survey data. A high level indicator and baseline for cultural engagement Consistent data from 2007 to 2011 but question wording will change in 2012

6 Cultural Engagement data on Scotland Performs

7 Assessment of change on Scotland Performs Year on year change of +/- 2 percentage points 2.1 percentage point increase between 2010 and 2011 – Performance Improving. For previous years, Performance Maintaining

8 Change in cultural engagement between 2010 and 2011 Cultural Engagement is a composite indicator. Impact of changes in specific types of cultural attendance and participation between 2010 and 2011 – e.g. increase in live music and museum attendance The % of adults reading for pleasure was lower in 2010 than for other years Different equalities groups and regional effects?

9 2. Scottish Government Equalities Evidence Finder website Launched in June 2012 Covers a wide range of policy areas for Scottish Government and agencies – including culture. /Equalities/DataGrid Data available on cultural engagement, attendance and participation by adults broken down by the following equalities characteristics: Age, Gender, Disability, Ethnicity


11 3. Changes to SHS culture questions New survey design for SHS from 2012 – local authority results for every year At Cabinet Secretary’s request, simplification of wording of culture questions Break in time series for 2012. National Indicator for culture will be updated with 2013 data once we have two year’s worth of equivalent data Some more detailed culture questions in SHS in 2013

12 4. Culture and Local Outcome Indicators New Recommended Local Outcome Indicator: 6.2.46: “Percentage of adults who have either participated in a cultural activity or who have attended or visited a cultural event or place in the last 12 months”. Uses SHS data Improvement Service website: -outcome-indicators/ -outcome-indicators/

13 Any Questions? Contact details: Martin Macfie, Assistant Statistician Communities Analytical Services Scottish Government (0131) 244 4927

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