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Unit Two – Words 11-20 Grade Seven Definition Context Clues Synonyms Antonyms Part of Speech More Context Clues indispensablemutual plagueregimetransparent.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit Two – Words 11-20 Grade Seven Definition Context Clues Synonyms Antonyms Part of Speech More Context Clues indispensablemutual plagueregimetransparent."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit Two – Words 11-20 Grade Seven Definition Context Clues Synonyms Antonyms Part of Speech More Context Clues indispensablemutual plagueregimetransparent lubricatepelt poisedretardunscathed

2 100 points a government in power; a form or system of rule or management; a period of rule regime

3 200 points wholly unharmed, not injured unscathed

4 300 points plague an easily spread disease causing a large number of deaths; a widespread evil; to annoy or bother

5 400 points to make slow, delay, hold back retard

6 500 points pelt to throw a stream of things; to strike successively, to hurry

7 100 points Negative attitudes can be a _______ to any organized group. Nothing good can be accomplished when everyone is so negative. plague

8 200 points Mrs. Guseman and I have ______respect for each other. I always admire her positive approach to things, and she admires how I use humor to accomplish things. mutual

9 300 points The accident that blocked both lanes of traffic did _____ my ability to get home on time. retard

10 400 points Technically, a television is not _________ despite how many people spend so many hours in front of it per day. indispensable

11 500 points The sixteen years of the queen’s ______ ended abruptly when her small country was attacked by marauders. regime

12 100 points crucial, vital indispensable

13 200 points impede retard

14 300 points sound, unimpaired unscathed

15 400 points obvious transparent

16 500 points reciprocal mutual

17 100 points nervous, tense poised

18 200 points unilateral mutual

19 300 points hasten retard

20 400 points frosted, smoky transparent

21 500 points boon, blessing plague

22 100 points noun and verb

23 200 points lubricate verb

24 300 points transparent adjective

25 400 points unscathed adjective

26 500 points regime noun

27 100 points I _____ my husband with a steady stream of snowballs.. pelted

28 200 points Despite the smashed appearance of his car, he walked away ________ from the accident. unscathed

29 300 points The cat was _______ to pounce on the bird. poised

30 400 points Using a moisturizing lotion can _______ one’s skin. lubricate

31 500 points Michelina was being so nice to me. Typically she pays no attention to me. It was _______ that she just wanted me to vote for her in the election. transparent

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