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Software Technologies In the 6th Framework Programme CBSEnet Workshop Budapest, 3 April 2003 Vassilis Kopanas DG Information Society / Unit D3.

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Presentation on theme: "Software Technologies In the 6th Framework Programme CBSEnet Workshop Budapest, 3 April 2003 Vassilis Kopanas DG Information Society / Unit D3."— Presentation transcript:

1 Software Technologies In the 6th Framework Programme CBSEnet Workshop Budapest, 3 April 2003 Vassilis Kopanas DG Information Society / Unit D3

2 2 Budapest - 2/4/03 Outline of presentation  FP6: Structure and budget IST: Structure and priorities IST: Structure and priorities Work-programme and Call organisation Work-programme and Call organisation Software Technologies and Distributed Systems Software Technologies and Distributed Systems –Rationale –Priorities –Call implementation

3 3 Budapest - 2/4/03 ERA - Context for EU supported RTD Moving to a European level Research policy Moving to a European level Research policy –strengthen co-operation between national and EU activities –improve links between national and EU policies and schemes –take into account the EU enlargement –develop a “shared vision” on European RTD –open potential for co-funding arrangements Realising ERA will require Realising ERA will require –new thinking: more strategic and goal-oriented –new approach: concentration, critical mass and flexibility –new scope: taking into account the internat. dimension of RTD –new instruments: Integrated Projects (IPs) & Networks of Excellence (NoEs) FP6 is not business as usual!

4 4 Budapest - 2/4/03 FP6 components

5 5 Budapest - 2/4/03 FP6 Budget Analysis Focussing and Integrating Focussing and Integrating –Genomics 2255M€ –Information Society Technologies3625M€ –Nanotechnologies, int.. 1300M€ –Aeronautics and space1075M€ –Food quality and safety 685M€ –Sustainable development2120M€ –Citizens and governance.. 225M€ –Anticipation of S&T needs Anticipating needs 555 M€Anticipating needs 555 M€ SMEs 430M€SMEs 430M€ Specific INCO 315M€Specific INCO 315M€ 16270 M€ ~200M€ for GEANT/GRID ~100M€ for GEANT/GRID Strengthening ERA foundations 320M€ Strengthening ERA foundations 320M€ Joint Research Centre 760M€ Joint Research Centre 760M€ Structuring ERA Structuring ERA –Research and Innovation 290M€ –Human resources1580M€ –Research Infrastructures 655M€ –Science/Society 80M€

6 6 Budapest - 2/4/03 From Project-thinking to Initiative-thinking From Project-thinking to Initiative-thinking –new instruments: Integrated Projects & Networks of Excellence –more strategic thinking Aiming at Europe-wide approaches Aiming at Europe-wide approaches –not just supporting a particular RTD work –making sure that Community funding helps aggregate EU, Member State & private funded effort(s) Different way of describing content and calls Different way of describing content and calls –a lighter workprogramme, different sequencing of calls, increased flexibility during projects implementation FP6 Differs

7 7 Budapest - 2/4/03 Outline of presentation FP6:Structure and budget FP6:Structure and budget  IST: Structure and priorities Work-programme and Call organisation Work-programme and Call organisation Software Technologies and Distributed Systems Software Technologies and Distributed Systems –Rationale –Priorities –Call implementation

8 8 Budapest - 2/4/03 FP6-IST vision: ‘Ambient Intelligence’ Satellite Global Suburban Urban In- Building Pico-Cell Micro-Cell Macro-Cell Home Cell Seamless & Rich Connectivity (fixed optical & wireless communications) Intelligent Environments Anthropocentric Interfaces Software & Systems Technologies

9 9 Budapest - 2/4/03 Anywhere anytime natural and enjoyable access to IST services for ALL Miniaturised, low cost low power components & µsytems Natural interactions with ‘ knowledge ’ with ‘ knowledge ’ Pervasive, mobile, wireless, trustful infrastructures Communication & networking SoftwareTechnologies µ, nano & opto electronics µ and nano systemsKnowledgetechnologiesinterfaces Applied IST for major societal and economic challenges Trust & Security IST for societal challenges IST for economic challenges Demanding Demandingapplications Specific Generic Integration Building blocks Security, privacy IPRs, dependabilty Smart cards,... E and m business, e and m work, learning GRIDS for science, engineering business and society Health, eInclusion, mobility, environment safety, cultural heritage Mobile: beyond 3G Fixed:All optical Integrated (IPv6) Adaptive Reliable Embedded Distributed Adaptable CMOS : the limit System-on-Chip Nano-scale New materials Multidiscplines New Sensing Networked New materials Nano-scale Context based Semantic based Agent based Scaleable All senses Multilingual Intuitive ‘Surrounding’

10 10 Budapest - 2/4/03 Outline of presentation FP6: Structure and budget FP6: Structure and budget IST: Structure and priorities IST: Structure and priorities  Work-programme and Call organisation Software Technologies and Distributed Systems Software Technologies and Distributed Systems –Rationale –Priorities –Call implementation

11 11 Budapest - 2/4/03 FP6 Workprogrammes - Principles Focus and concentration Focus and concentration –selection of limited set of objectives based on inputs received: socio-economic drivers, AmI vision, constituency readinesssocio-economic drivers, AmI vision, constituency readiness SWOTs analysis for Europe’s options conducted at all levelsSWOTs analysis for Europe’s options conducted at all levels Integration Integration –ensuring co-evolution of technologies and applications via efficient exploitation of technology breakthroughsvia efficient exploitation of technology breakthroughs through challenging applications pulling technology developmentthrough challenging applications pulling technology development Realising the ERA in IST Realising the ERA in IST –focus on work that needs to be addressed at EU level –incremental build-up of Europe-wide approaches to RTD in IST through aggregation of public and private effortthrough aggregation of public and private effort

12 12 Budapest - 2/4/03 IST Workprogramme - Approach a two year WP to ensure concentration of effort and visibility for the research Community a two year WP to ensure concentration of effort and visibility for the research Community more limited number of calls (three over two years) more limited number of calls (three over two years) concentration on a limited set of Strategic Objectives concentration on a limited set of Strategic Objectives –selection and focus based on Europe’s options –a total of 23 strategic objectives for the two years: 12 in 2003 + 11 in 2004 addresses RTD in both technologies and applications addresses RTD in both technologies and applications focuses on new instruments focuses on new instruments –~70% of budget targeted to new instruments (IPs, NoEs) –for each Strategic Objective: 2-3 IPs, 2-3 NoEs and some STREPs, CAs, SSAs.

13 13 Budapest - 2/4/03 Indicative IST Call Sequence in 2003 1.Pushing the limits of CMOS,preparing for post-CMOS 2.Micro and nano-systems 3.Broadband Access for All 4.Mobile and wireless systems beyond 3G 5.Towards a global dependability and security framework 6.Multimodal interfaces 7.Semantic-based knowledge systems 8.Networked audiovisual systems and home platforms 9.Networked businesses and governments 10.eSafety for road and air transport 11.eHealth 12.Technology-enhanced learning and access to cultural heritage Strategic Objectives addressed in Call 1 Applications Technology components Integrated systems 1.Advanced displays 2.Optical, opto-electronic, photonic functional components 3. Open development platforms for software and services 4.Cognitive systems 5.Embedded systems 6.Applications and services for the mobile user and worker 7.Cross-media content for leisure and entertainment 8.GRID-based Systems and solving complex problems 9.Improving Risk management 10.eInclusion 11.Product design and manufacturing 2010 Strategic Objectives covered in Call 2

14 14 Budapest - 2/4/03 Outline of presentation FP6: Structure and budget FP6: Structure and budget IST: Structure and priorities IST: Structure and priorities Work-programme and Call organisation Work-programme and Call organisation  Software Technologies and Distributed Systems –Rationale –Priorities –Call implementation

15 15 Budapest - 2/4/03 Facts and Figures (EITO 2003) EU software market in 2002 was 65 B€, with an expected growth for 2002-04 over 3.1 % (worldwide: 207 B€ /5.1%, US: 97 B€ / 2.9 %). EU software market in 2002 was 65 B€, with an expected growth for 2002-04 over 3.1 % (worldwide: 207 B€ /5.1%, US: 97 B€ / 2.9 %). EU ICT expected growth 5.1%. ACCs: 9.1% (ST 13.5%) EU ICT expected growth 5.1%. ACCs: 9.1% (ST 13.5%) Not including in-company software production and use Not including in-company software production and use An additional 125 B€ in IT services (integration, consulting, training, maintenance, excluding telecom carrier services) An additional 125 B€ in IT services (integration, consulting, training, maintenance, excluding telecom carrier services) 60-70% of software development in EU takes place in ‘secondary SW/IT industry’ (automotive, consumer electronics, telecom, aerospace, engineering, …) 60-70% of software development in EU takes place in ‘secondary SW/IT industry’ (automotive, consumer electronics, telecom, aerospace, engineering, …)

16 16 Budapest - 2/4/03 Status of European Software Industry  Weak in Tools and Packaged Software (-)  OS, PC platform, standards and interoperability dominated by US industry (-)  70% of software development in secondary industry (telecom, automotive, aerospace, engineering, …) (+)  Traditionally strong academic research, but declining (+/-)  Strong Open Source Software Community (+)  Emerging market for value-added services (mobile) (+)  Strong teaching focus in Software Tech. in ACCs (+)

17 17 Budapest - 2/4/03 Strategy for competitiveness (1) OBJECTIVE “Strong support for RTD in SW/S technologies” Building open development and run-time environments for software and services providing methods, tools and middleware providing methods, tools and middleware covering all phases of the life-cycle covering all phases of the life-cycle applicable to broad classes of software systems and services applicable to broad classes of software systems and services longer-term foundational research longer-term foundational research

18 18 Budapest - 2/4/03 Strategy for competitiveness (2) RESEARCH FOCUS High level methods, esp. for early development phases, for systems design and integration (e.g. MDA), addressing non- functional aspects, autonomy and composability Modular customisable development environments supporting evolving processes, consistency and traceability Light methodologies, esp. for co-operative and distributed development Open platforms, middleware and languages for interoperability, composability and integration (incl. e.g. P2P, agents, dynamic adaptability and evolvability)

19 19 Budapest - 2/4/03 Strategy for competitiveness (3) use Europe’s industrial strength in telecoms, automotive, aircraft, consumer electronics, chemicals, etc. use Europe’s industrial strength in telecoms, automotive, aircraft, consumer electronics, chemicals, etc. promote activities ( IP, NoE, STREP, CA ) aiming at building collaboration between large industrial users, software (tool, COTS, component, service) vendors with support by academic research, leading to strong (often) sectorial user/supplier networks promote activities ( IP, NoE, STREP, CA ) aiming at building collaboration between large industrial users, software (tool, COTS, component, service) vendors with support by academic research, leading to strong (often) sectorial user/supplier networks foundational research only through STREPs and CAs where appropriate, complementarity and co-operation with work under EUREKA/ITEA

20 20 Budapest - 2/4/03 Strategy for competitiveness (4) SW/ST IN OTHER SOs Embedded Systems, GRIDs Embedded Systems, GRIDs Telecommunications Telecommunications –focus on service creation environments: interoperability, composability, network management, middleware, complexity Extended Home Environment Extended Home Environment –seamless access, middleware, resource management, adaptability and reconfigurability Security, Health, Environment, Transport, Leisure,... Security, Health, Environment, Transport, Leisure,... –call for strong RTD components in core SW/S technologies; led by the researchers from the application domain Business and Enterprise Business and Enterprise e-Government e-Government –use of Open Source Software and interoperable service platforms

21 21 Budapest - 2/4/03 CALL 1 Opened: 17th December 2002 Opened: 17th December 2002 Closes: 17h00, 24th April 2003 Closes: 17h00, 24th April 2003 CONTINUOUS CALL (FET Open) Publication: 17th December 2002 Publication: 17th December 2002 Opens by February 2003: FET Open Opens by February 2003: FET Open CALL 2 (incl. Open Dev. Platforms for SW and Services)  Opens: 15th June 2003  Closes: 17h00, 15th October 2003 Calls Roadmap for 2003

22 22 Budapest - 2/4/03 Further Information DG-Research FP6 main Web page../http://europaeuintcomm/research/fp6/index_en.html New Instruments..intiphttp://europaeu/comm/research/fp6/networks-.html Model Contracts../http://europaeuintcomm/research/fp6/working-groups/ model-contract/index_en.html Frequently Asked Questions../http://europaeuintcomm/research/faq.html The European Research Area../http://europaeuintcomm/research/era/index_en.html CORDIS RTD beyond 2002.http://www.cordislu/rtd2002/ IST in FP6./http://www.cordisluist/fp6/fp6.htm IST Helpdesk Fax. +322 2968388

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