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Change in the Workplace How will trends affect the world of work?

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Presentation on theme: "Change in the Workplace How will trends affect the world of work?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Change in the Workplace How will trends affect the world of work?

2 Questions?  How many of you have a parent or guardian who have had a major career shift in the past 5 years?  The past 10 years?

3 Peter Drucker  As recently as the 1960’, almost ½ of all workers in the industrialized countries were involved in making things. By the year 2000, no developed country will have more than 1/6 or 1/8 of its workforce in the traditional roles of making and moving goods.  If people are no longer in manufacturing jobs, what are they doing?

4 Year 2000 +  Working with computers  Working in service industries such as hospitality and food  Finance  Transportation  Working Independently

5 TraditionalNew  Job that you keep for life  Predictable salary with benefits & salary  Hierarchial structure  Larger organization with thousands of employees  6-8 major changes in a career  Temporary & contract work  Project-Based structure  Smaller organizations with speciality focus

6 TraditionalNew  9-5 schedule  Special skills required  Services like answering phones & typing  Community based economy  Flexible schedule  Transferable skills required  Each person handles most of own services (email, voice mail)  Economy responsive to global pressures

7 TraditionalNew  Education first, then work  Work for someone else  Most jobs in manufacturing and mass production  Life-long learning  Work as an independent contractor, consultant or entrepreneur  Most jobs in information technology

8 Important Point  The new flattened-out, dejobbed world that is coming is less secure.  But… there is also more opportunity.  More than ever… the emphasis is on building and steering your own career.

9 Skills for the New Workplace  Technical Literacy  Attitude  Self-Promotion  Communication  Learning  Information Gathering  Consultative Problem-Solving

10 Con’t  Creativity  Entrepreneurial Initiative  Self-Management

11 Where do you fit in?

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