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ProtoSmart Board: ADC Input Stage by Clayton Bridge.

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Presentation on theme: "ProtoSmart Board: ADC Input Stage by Clayton Bridge."— Presentation transcript:

1 ProtoSmart Board: ADC Input Stage by Clayton Bridge

2 ProtoSmart Board

3 ProtoSmart Board Design Specifications: Voltage Measurement Minimum: - 10V Voltage Measurement Maximum: + 10V Current Measurement Minimum: - 1 A Current Measurement Maximum: + 1 A measured across a 0.2Ω current sense resistor:+/- 0.2V ADC Specifications: ADC Range (IN+ - IN-)Minimum:-2V ADC Range (IN+ - IN-)Maximum:+2V The Problem

4 The Real Problem The Caveat: IN+ and IN- range:0 - 3.3V Summary: ADC wants to see -2 to 2V range DIFFERENCE between IN+ and IN- BUT IN+ and IN- MUST remain between 0 – 3.3V

5 The Solution (Vaguely)

6 The Solution (Mathematically) Minimum Signal Representation: Voltage:-10V Current:-1A (-0.2V across Rsense) IN+0V IN-2V ADC_out-2V Maximum Signal Representation: Voltage:+10V Current:+1A (+0.2V across Rsense) IN+2V IN-0V ADC_out+2V

7 The Solution (Conceptually) What are we doing again? Massage the measurement signal to covert it to a 0-2V range and feed to IN+. Feed (2 – IN+) to IN- Converting ProtoSmart Board measurement range to -2 to 2V for ADC.

8 The Solution (Functionally)

9 The Solution (Electronically)

10 Divide and Conquer How? Examine each function or stage separately and observe their effect on the signal. We will input a 20Vpp sine wave centered at 0V representing the +/-10V measurement signal and observe the output after each stage.

11 Vin: Unity Gain Instrumentation Amplifier

12 V_DIF vout_scaled Scaling Stage: Inverting Amplifier

13 V(vadc+) Shifting Stage: Noninverting Summing Amplifier

14 2V vadc- VADC- : Unity Gain Instrumentation Amplifier

15 Overall Effect

16 Choosing the Op Amps ProtoSmart Board Specifications Frequency range:< 1MHz Voltage range:+/- 10V Factors to Consider Gain-bandwidth Product Slew Rate Output Voltage Swing Price

17 GBW > 5MHz SR > 7 V/us Rails > -10 to +10V GBW > 1MHz SR > 7 V/us Rails > 0 to +2V GBW > 1MHz SR > 63 V/us Rails > -10 to +10V Specifications to Prevent Distortion GBW > 1MHz SR > 7 V/us Rails > 0 to +2V Rails > 1V

18 I hope you enjoyed this little Pecha Kucha!

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