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Project SEARCH at ProMedica Bixby and Herrick Hospitals Parent Information Night January 20, 2016 1 © CCHMC 1/3/06.

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Presentation on theme: "Project SEARCH at ProMedica Bixby and Herrick Hospitals Parent Information Night January 20, 2016 1 © CCHMC 1/3/06."— Presentation transcript:

1 Project SEARCH at ProMedica Bixby and Herrick Hospitals Parent Information Night January 20, 2016 1 © CCHMC 1/3/06

2 Overall Goal for Project SEARCH 100% Employment for Project SEARCH graduates within the Intern’s community Intense Employment Training at ProMedica Bixby & Herrick Hospitals Change in Business Culture Increased collaboration among service agencies in Lenawee County Training in real work settings offering Meaningful, Transferable and Marketable Skill Training 2

3 3 Student Intern Intern’s Family

4 What is Project SEARCH? 4 18ET31xo

5 Project SEARCH Program Description 1 year program 9-10 interns participate Students with a variety of disabilities Last year of School Eligibility Rotation through 3 unpaid internships Outcome of employment within the intern’s community Interns become LISD students. Interns will have an open Michigan Rehabilitation Services Case 5

6 Basic Eligibility Guidelines Desire to Work! Ability to work independently following instruction Parent commitment to support student employment goals Post Secondary 18 – 26 years old Independent Hygiene, Social, and Communication Skills Ability to take Directions and Change Behavior Good Attendance Access to Public Transportation, driver’s license or family Meets ProMedica Bixby Hospital requirements: Physical Examination Background Check Immunizations 6

7 Project SEARCH vs. High School 7 AreaProject SEARCHHigh School Calendar Days200180 TransportationIntern & Family’s Responsibility School bus Sick Days3Up to 21 without loss of credit Christmas Vacation2 or 3 Weeks2 Or fewer weeks Spring Break2 weeks1 week Summer Break2 weeksUp to 11 weeks Vacation Days4None planned for calendar Removal from the Program As determined by ProMedica Policies Serious offense but still must by educated

8 Project SEARCH vs. High School 8 AreaProject SEARCHHigh School Conclusion of school yearEmployment and or follow along services Additional school or work Rules and PoliciesEstablished by ProMedicaEstablished by school board Admittance-Not Guaranteed -Must meet requirements -Must participate in assessment day and interview *Immunizations *Flu Shots *Background Checks *TB Tests Anyone

9 Project SEARCH vs. High School 9 AreaProject SEARCHHigh School ExpectationsStudent must adapt to work environment & culture Modifications and adaptions to meet student needs Work Based LearningFull immersion into work with the same expectations as an employee. Work Support Services (Beginning work skill instruction) Dress CodeAssigned UniformsAs decided by school board

10 Typical Project SEARCH Day 8:00 Classroom Instruction 9:00 Internship 11:30 Lunch 12:00 Internship 2:00 Classroom Instruction 2:30 Depart 10

11 Annual Project SEARCH Calendar September 2016 Summer 2017 1 st Internship 12 weeks Graduate & Begin Work in Community 2 nd Internship 12 weeks 3 rd Internship 12 weeks 2 week ProMedica Bixby Orientation Workshop Week Begin PS Program Regular Employment Planning Meetings held and led by intern 11 Project SEARCH Orientation June 20-24, 2016

12 Project SEARCH at ProMedica Bixby and Herrick Hospitals Policies 5 Policies Agreed to by ProMedica Bixby and Herrick Hospitals and the Lenawee Intermediate School District Based on the Policies other ProMedica Bixby and Herrick Hospital employees follow These Policies make up the Rules Interns Must Follow Interns will learn more about these Policies as a part of their classroom instruction 12

13 Professional Behavior Policy Disruptive and inappropriate behavior can negatively impact the patient care setting Procedures are in place to support Project SEARCH Students who Demonstrate Disruptive and Inappropriate Behavior Examples of Disruptive and Inappropriate behavior includes: Hostile language or behavior, insulting, rudeness, blaming others, stealing 13

14 Intern Appearance Standards Policy ProMedica Bixby and Herrick Hospitals recognize that how we look is as important as how we act. Dress will always be professional, tasteful, clean, in good repair and properly fitted. Project SEARCH Uniform to be provided and worn everyday while enrolled in Project SEARCH. Identification Badges to be worn at all times 14

15 Intern Attendance Policy In order for the hospitals to provide the highest level of quality care and service, it is essential that each intern recognizes and accepts responsibility for their attendance. Attendance Policy includes: Interns are responsible to notify the coordinator of an unscheduled absence by 8:30 AM Each student may request up to 4 scheduled absences Interns are allowed 3 unscheduled absences as a result of sickness. Each unscheduled day can be up to 3 days. 3 tardies will equal 1 unscheduled absence. 2 no call, no shows will result in termination from the program 15

16 Tobacco Free Policy All ProMedica facilities and campuses within Bixby and Herrick Hospitals are tobacco free and smoke free. Includes parking lots, parked cars in parking lots and sidewalks 16

17 Confidentiality and HIPAA Policy Federal and State Law – Confidentiality of Protected Health Information Cannot share or discuss a patient's Protected Health Information. -Talk about the things you are doing not the people you see -If you see someone at the hospital you know, you can not tell anyone. -Can not talk about patients you see at the hospital 17

18 To the Parent: 18 Expectations of the Interns are like ProMedica Bixby Hospital Employees. There are monthly employability meetings. Parents and interns are expected to attend. Parents are part of the team in helping to acquire employment. Everyone is responsible for looking for a job for the Interns. Interns adjust to the business culture and expectations. The future is now!

19 Respiratory Therapy Radiology Surgery Laboratory Obstetrics Emergency Department Nutritional Services Maintenance Medical Surgical Services Environmental Services Oncology Human Resources Sample Hospital Internships 19

20 Evaluation of Interns Use of common feedback instrument by managers and staff that includes job tasks completion and soft employability skills Job coach/Instructor provides on-site work progress evaluation Department Manager/Mentor from department also provides critical input or completes evaluation Intern self-evaluation 20

21 Job Placement – Goal 100% Active job placement begins in April Job placement based on interns meeting employability benchmarks Can happen at any time Hired within the community All team members are responsible for placement. 21

22 What is the Selection Process? Selection Committee includes : Project SEARCH Program Staff, ProMedica Bixby Hospital Staff, Community Partners and LISD staff Information Considered Application Skills Assessment In Person Interview with ProMedica Staff Committee will use a Rubric for Decision Making. 22

23 Next Steps…….. Applications Due - February 19, 2016 Notification to Students of Assessment Appointment – February 26, 2016 Project SEARCH Assessment Day – 7:30a-1:00p, March 15, 2016 Notification of Participation in the Program - March 24, 2016 Background Check Completed - May 1, 2016 Immunization, Physicals, TB Test by – May 1, 2016 Spring Orientation – 6:00p-8:00p, May 4, 2016 June Orientation Workshop(interns only) – 8:00p-2:30p, June 20-24, 2016, Meet and Greet Picnic – 6:00p-8:00p, August 17, 2015 23

24 Assessment Day Letters with Assessment Day information will be mailed to students and parents including specific time slots students will need to be at ProMedica Bixby Hospital. Students MUST attend Assessment Day to be eligible for Project SEARCH. There will be NO MAKE-UP Assessment Days. 24

25 Project SEARCH Applications To Apply for Project SEARCH 1.Applications are in the Parent/Student Information Folder. 2. Go to for access to our online application.????? 3. Send the filled out application to: Kurt Kominek Project SEARCH Coordinator LISD TECH Center 1372 N. Main St. Adrian, MI 49221 25

26 Questions About Project SEARCH at ProMedica Bixby and Herrick Hospitals? Kurt Kominek Project SEARCH Coordinator (517) 265-0325, 26

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