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Unit 2 Embedded Assessment 1— Writing a Cultural Narrative

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1 Unit 2 Embedded Assessment 1— Writing a Cultural Narrative
Topic: Your assignment is to write a narrative about an incident, either real or imagined, that conveys a cultural perspective. Due date: Friday, 9/25 at 11:59. You will submit your essay to Format: MLA Typed Times New Roman, 12 point font Double spaced 1 inch margins (do not adjust margins) Heading with your name, my name, class, date, word count Header with your name and page number Word Count: words Scoring: You will use the rubric discussed in class, but I will take off points for incorrect formatting and papers that do not meet word count.

2 Skills and Knowledge Write a narrative, either real or imagined, that conveys a cultural perspective. Use narrative techniques (dialogue, pacing, and description). Identify and examine the aspects of culture as they are presented in literature. Provide a conclusion that reflects on what is experienced, observed, and resolved over the course of the narrative.

3 Exposition—setting, introduce characters and conflict
Narrative Elements Cultural Narrative Setting(s) The setting should be revealed in the exposition and should be described using imagery and sensory details. Character(s) Characters are introduced in the exposition, and should be developed throughout the narrative. Your main character should go through some kind of development (round character). Point of View Maintain a consistent POV throughout the narrative. Also maintain consistent verb tense. Sequence of Events Exposition—setting, introduce characters and conflict Rising Action—get the story moving (dialogue would be good here) Climax—emotional high point Falling Action—what happens after the climax Resolution—satisfying conclusion; theme might be here Imagery and Sensory Details Similes (at least two) Metaphor Personification Sensory Details Pacing Exposition—complex sentences and compound-complex sentences to help with description. Rising action—simple and compound sentences. Also used in the dialogue. Climax—structure will vary depending on the intensity of the event. Falling action—structure will vary depending on the speed of the events. Resolution—do you intend to abruptly conclude the story or give more detailed conclusion? Theme What is the message about life you are trying to share with your reader? What did you learn about life? Your assignment is to write a narrative about an incident, either real or imagined, that conveys a cultural perspective.

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