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Chapter 8.2 & 8.3 Kievian Russia Read Chapter 8.2 & 8.3 Daily Reading Quiz Early Russia Articles Notes x4.

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1 Chapter 8.2 & 8.3 Kievian Russia Read Chapter 8.2 & 8.3 Daily Reading Quiz Early Russia Articles Notes x4


3 Decline of the Byzantine Empire 1000’s-Saljug Turks capture most of Asia 1096-97- Western European crusaders recaptured western Asia minor for the Byzantines 1204-Crusaders captured Constantinople for themselves. 1261- The Byzantines recaptured Constantinople and reorganized the empire 1453- Ottoman Turks captured Constantinople

4 Keivan Chain of Command Kievan Political System Kievan Social Classes

5 Kievan Russia

6 The Beginning of the Russian State 1. Mongol rule grew weaker= Russian princes became more independent. 5. Ivan III united many Russian principalities= Ivan became the first ruler of the independent state of Russia. 2. Prince Ivan I cooperated with the Mongols= Mongols made Ivan the Grand Prince. 6. Ivan IV became czar of Russia= Ivan reformed Russian Law, re- established trade with western Europe, and opened Siberia for Russian settlement. 3. The chief metropolitan moved to Moscow= Ivan’s power increased. 7. Ivan IV suspected some of his boyars of disloyalty= Ivan organized a personal army to arrest the boyars and attack their supporters. 4.By the Late 1400s Moscow had become very powerful= Ivan III of Moscow overthrew Mongol rule.

7 Chapter 8.2 & 8.3 Early Russia 1.Why might a territory with plains and rivers be difficult to defend against invaders? 2.Why did the Vikings dominate the Slavic peoples for many centuries? 3.Why did Prince Vladimir feel it was important that all of his subjects become Christians. 4.How was the new government established in Kiev similar to that of the Byzantine Empire? 5.What were some of the accomplishments of Yaroslav the Wise? 6.What were the reasons for the decline of the Kievan state? 7.How did the Mongols rule Russia? 8.Why did Alexander Nevsky cooperate with the Mongols? Was it a practical policy or was it cowardly? Explain your position. 9.How did Mongol policies help to pull Russia together as a territory? 10.Why was Moscow called "The Third Rome?"

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