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Introduction to eBird View and Explore eBird Data.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to eBird View and Explore eBird Data."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to eBird View and Explore eBird Data

2 eBird Observe any bird, anywhere, any time! Record your observations Send your data to the eBird website:


4 Registering for eBird is easy! Go to Click on “Register as a New User”

5 Where were you?

6 How did you count birds?

7 What birds did you count?

8 Exploring eBird data is easy! Go to Click on “View and Explore Data”

9 Learn about what all eBirders are seeing You will now have two choices: View just your own data

10 Let’s start with Range Maps to investigate a particular species

11 What can we learn about the range of American Crows?

12 What about in New York State?

13 Now, let’s look at line graphs to see more detailed data on this species

14 Histogram

15 Notice: Species Location Date

16 You can change Species, Location, and Date very easily!

17 What can we learn from a histogram?

18 eBird offers several ways to display data

19 Frequency Notice the x-axis and y-axis when you look at these graphs

20 What is Frequency? Frequency is the percentage of checklists reporting the species in that area and time.

21 What is Average Count? Average number of birds of that species reported on checklists having a positive observation of that species

22 What is the Average Count of American Crows in New York?

23 You can look at up to 5 species at a time You can look at more than one state, too!

24 Practice Exploring eBird Data Where is (insert any corvid species) found in the United States? In my state? (Range Maps) How frequently is that species reported? Does the frequency change during the year? (Histogram, Frequency Graph) Are the different species of corvids seen in similar group sizes throughout the year? Are corvids found in large or small groups? (Average Count Graph) Do some species of corvids migrate? (Histogram, Frequency Graph)

25 Questions to Explore 1.How does the average count of Downy Woodpeckers and House Sparrows compare in North America? 2.How does the average count of American Robins change throughout the year in the state of Vermont? What about European Starlings in Texas? 3.How often do eBirders in Missouri and Illinois see Ruby-throated Hummingbirds and Northern Cardinals? 4.How often do California eBirders see Turkey Vultures? How does that compare to the frequency of vultures sighted in Michigan?

26 Let’s investigate by region or location instead





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