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Title, abstract, discussion and conclusion, and appendices pages.

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Presentation on theme: "Title, abstract, discussion and conclusion, and appendices pages."— Presentation transcript:

1 Title, abstract, discussion and conclusion, and appendices pages

2 Title (only one sentence) MUST be and or cover: Descriptive yet interesting Important variables identified Research question/topic evident Scope specified No unnecessary words Only include a picture if it adds something to your title. Pictures can be distracting and work against your title page. Be careful and selective.

3 Abstract: summarize your study in THREE paragraphs Purpose stated indirectly or directly (1) Size of sample or population and type of students identified and instruments/methodology identified (1) Major results and/or conclusions stated (1) Make sure that the abstract is the appropriate length, written in complete sentences and in past tense, and single spaced

4 Discussion and Conclusion: 5-8 paragraphs In this section, you will conclude your paper by discussing your results and reflecting on the research process Summary (1) Overview of Research Findings and Methodological Insights: It is here that you discuss your results and what they mean for your field of study (2-3; one per variable (i.e. Birth order: youngest, middle, oldest) Weaknesses: address weaknesses in yourselves and the study (1-2) Implications: Future Studies (1) and recommendations (1) The words in bold denote subsections

5 Appendices Should include: Observation and/or experiment notes Transcripts from interviews Journal entries Charts/graphs (surveys) Pictures

6 Appendices Tables and figures should be titled, labeled, and well organized All tables should relate to the purpose/topic Interviews, field notes or artifacts should be included and organized

7 This and That Title page is NOT numbered Table of contents (2 nd page after the title page and will start with page #2) Don’t forget the Works Cited Page Appropriate English usage (past tense for all sections EXCEPT introduction and literature review) Appropriate layout structure Unbiased reporting style No run-ons or fragments Proper grammar and punctuation Spelling

8 THE END Any questions?

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