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Literacy Assessment in Year 2

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1 Literacy Assessment in Year 2
Longfield Primary School Literacy Assessment in Year 2

2 What do we assess? Speaking and listening. Writing Reading

3 Speaking and Listening
Not assessed through a task or test. On-going teacher assessment through observation. Level 1, 2 or 3 will be reported to parents at the end of the year. level 2 is the expected level of attainment for children at the end of Year 2. Level 3 is above average.

4 What are we looking for? How well do children listen to teachers and other pupils and how do they respond? Can they answer questions? Can they explain what someone else has said? Can they report back on a group discussion?

5 How can Parents and Carers help?
Give children opportunities to talk to you about what they do and see. Ask them open-ended questions and listen to the answers. (Questions beginning with why?, how?, and what do you think?) Encourage them to ask you questions.

6 Writing Speaking and listening supports writing.
The more a child can speak using a wide range of vocabulary, the better their writing, because they will use the words they know and understand.

7 Assessment process for writing
Statutory tasks only one part of process. Teachers look at a whole range of child’s work throughout the year. Teacher assessment level given for writing at the end of the year – including performance in the statutory tasks, not separately.

8 Tasks for writing Shorter task – 30 minutes Longer task – 45 minutes
Spelling test – about 20 minutes Handwriting These will take place some time in the summer term – when we think the children are ready.

9 Non-chronological reports
Types of writing through the year include: Stories Letters and notes Non-chronological reports Poetry Recounts Posters Information The assessment tasks will include some parts of some of these – all types of writing the children will already be very familiar with.

10 Levels at the end of Key Stage 1 (Year 2)
W 1 2c 2b 2a 3

11 How can a child move from 2C to 2B to 2A or 3?




15 = Garstly goast Ghastly ghost Spelling in tasks.
Want children to use interesting words. Not looking for perfect spelling – but use of phonics and spelling patterns. = Garstly goast Ghastly ghost

16 Secure Level 2 Some variation in sentence openers and structure.
All sentences are punctuated, accurately, most are grammatically correct. Written in a sequence of related events that are linked. Word choices appropriate for simple description of feelings and scenery. High frequency words spelt correctly, Phonetically plausible attempts at digraphs. Letters are formed correctly, but not consistent in size.

17 Marking of all tasks and tests.
Whole process very low key. Independent work. National mark scheme. Check marks and level judgements in school. LEA moderates schools.

18 Reading Assessment Constantly assessing reading Group Guided reading
Individual reading – running records Each colour shelf for reading is linked to a National Curriculum level. Letter sent home every time your child goes to the next reading colour shelf.

19 Reading Shelves and National Curriculum levels
W 1c 1b 1a 2c 2b 2a 3c 3c+ Pink Red Yellow Blue Green Orange Turquoise Purple Gold White Lime Brown

20 Reading Tasks and Tests
Borderline 2c and below – reading task. Secure 2c and above – level 2 or level 3 test. Some children might do 2 tests or a task and a test if they perform better than expected. Some practice tests over previous term so children become familiar with what to do. Level 1 books & TG book

21 Understanding of how a text works. Able to read for meaning
What are we looking for? Understanding of how a text works. Able to read for meaning Understand inference answer simple questions that check literal understanding of what has been read. clues given in the text about what is happening, how a character is feeling, without actually stating that something is happening.

22 Level 2 fiction

23 Level 3 Non-fiction Reading Booklet

24 Level 3 Questions

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