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Presentation on theme: "INTRODUCTION TO CELLS AND STRUCTURE OF ORGANISMS How are organisms structured?"— Presentation transcript:


2 What do you already know about our new unit: Cells and Structure of Organisms? Complete a Circle Map Example Example  Please begin your circle map by thinking of at least 3 things you know about the topic (think).circle map  Please use your desk partner to brainstorm or share at least 3 more things you know about the topic (pair).  Be prepared to share your ideas (share). * Preview New Packet

3 Cell (s) The ___ is the basic unit of life. A human has approx. 60 -100 trillion ___. Gametes ______ divide by meiosis Somatic ______ divide by mitosis All living things are made of at least 1. Includes eukaryotic and prokaryotic types Can you think of the important word that is hidden below? Raise your hand when you are ready to give an answer. 1 23 4 5 6 ?

4 Organism Also known as living things Beetles are some of the most successful ________ on Earth. All __________ have the 4 needs of life. All __________ have the 6 characteristics of life. Some ____ are multi-celled and some are uni-celled. About 1.75 million ____ have been discovered on Earth. Can you think of the important word that is hidden below? Raise your hand when you are ready to give an answer. 3 4 5 6 1 2 ?

5 3o1a. Use appropriate instruments to observe, describe, and compare various types of cells (e.g., onion, diatoms). Onion Cells

6 3o1b. Observe and distinguish the cell wall, cell membrane, nucleus, chloroplast, and cytoplasm of cells. Fungus Cell Protist Cell Bacteria Cell All cells have 1.cell membranes. 2.ribosomes. 3.DNA. 4.cytoplasm. Plant, fungus and bacteria cells have a cell wall.

7 3o1c. Differentiate between plant and animal cells based on cell wall and cell membrane.

8 3o1d. Model the cell processes of diffusion and osmosis and relate this motion to the motion of particles.

9 3o1e. Gather information to report on how the basic functions of organisms are carried out within cells.  Cell Energy  Photosynthesis  Cell Respiration  Cell Transport  Active Transport  Passive Transport  Cell Reproduction  The Eukaryotic Cell Cycle Interphase Mitosis Cytokinesis

10 3o2a. Order the levels of organization from simple to complex (e.g., cell, tissue, organ, system, organism).

11 S3o2b. Match a particular structure to the appropriate level (e.g., heart to organ, cactus to organism, muscle to tissue).

12 S3o2c. Relate the structure of an organ to its component parts and the larger system of which it is a part.

13 S3o2d. Describe how the needs of organisms at the cellular level for food, air, and waste removal are met by tissues and organs.

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