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CS-EE 481 1April 7 th, 2009 University of Portland School of Engineering Project Deadwood A Digital Enigma Machine Authors Aaron Challenner Marc Smith.

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Presentation on theme: "CS-EE 481 1April 7 th, 2009 University of Portland School of Engineering Project Deadwood A Digital Enigma Machine Authors Aaron Challenner Marc Smith."— Presentation transcript:

1 CS-EE 481 1April 7 th, 2009 University of Portland School of Engineering Project Deadwood A Digital Enigma Machine Authors Aaron Challenner Marc Smith Matthew Tongue Advisors Dr. Aziz Inan, Dr. Peter Osterberg Industry Representatives Mr. Mike DeSmith, Ms. Swetha Varadharajan, Intel

2 CS-EE 481 2Founder’s Day University of Portland School of Engineering Agenda Introduction Matthew Background Matthew Methods Aaron Results Marc Conclusions Aaron Demonstration Everyone

3 CS-EE 481 3Founder’s Day University of Portland School of Engineering Introduction Acknowledgements –MOSIS Educational Program –Team Members –Faculty Advisors –Industry Representatives –Dr. Wayne Lu Problem –Historical Enigma Machine –Digital Model

4 CS-EE 481 4 University of Portland School of Engineering Founder’s Day Introduction (cont.) Significance –Historical –Educational What You Will Learn –Historical Enigma Machine –How it was Broken –Deadwood’s Implementation Enigma-logo.jpg

5 CS-EE 481 5Founder’s Day University of Portland School of Engineering Background Historical Enigma Machine –Arthur Scherbius, 1918 –Electrical Signals –Encryption Rotors PagEst/Classi/4B_tp/SoftwareLiberta/ IMMAGINI/enigma_ArthurScherbius.jpg A C A B C D E A B D E FF A B C D E A B D E A B D E A B C D A B C D A B D E A B C D FF A B C D B C D E FF B C D E

6 CS-EE 481 6 W X Y Z A B L M N O P Q Y Z A B C D X Y Z A B C University of Portland School of Engineering Founder’s Day Background (cont.) X Y Z A B C K L M N O P

7 CS-EE 481 7 University of Portland School of Engineering Founder’s Day Background (cont.) How it was Broken –1931: Schmidt Leaks Rotor Configurations –1934: Rejewski Invents Bombe –1940: Turing Parallelizes Bombe hans_thilo_schmidt.jpg commons/3/30/Marian_Rejewski.jpg TuringBombeBletchleyPark.jpg

8 CS-EE 481 8 University of Portland School of Engineering Founder’s Day Background (cont.) Deadwood’s Implementation –Model Machine Digitally –Incorporate MOSIS –Use PS/2 Keyboard –Three Rotors

9 CS-EE 481 9 Methods Modified Waterfall Model Requirements –Functional Specifications –Emulate Enigma Machine as completely as possible Design –Theory of Operations Implementation –Lots of wire wrapping Verification Founder’s Day University of Portland School of Engineering

10 CS-EE 481 10 University of Portland School of Engineering Results Two Primary Functional Blocks –Input/Output –Enigma Core Input/Output –LCD & Keyboard –Micro Controller –Alpha Numeric LEDs Founder’s Day

11 CS-EE 481 11Founder’s Day University of Portland School of Engineering Top Level Design

12 CS-EE 481 12 Results (cont.) Enigma Core –5-bit ‘Letter’ stored in register –Letter sent to a EEPROM ‘rotor’ for encryption –Result stored back in register –Repeated for each disk forward and backward –Rotors ‘rotated’ –MOSIS controls letter’s path and rotor’s rotation Founder’s Day University of Portland School of Engineering

13 CS-EE 481 13Founder’s Day Enigma Core Design University of Portland School of Engineering

14 CS-EE 481 14 MOSIS Founder’s Day University of Portland School of Engineering

15 CS-EE 481 15 MOSIS(cont.) Founder’s Day University of Portland School of Engineering

16 CS-EE 481 16 Conclusions We learned how to integrate several different technologies: –PS/2, EEPROM, PIC, LCD, MOSIS Almost every company follows a variation on the design process we followed –Excellent team and development experience Founder’s Day University of Portland School of Engineering

17 CS-EE 481 17 Conclusions (cont.) Future improvements would include: –Implementing the switchboard used by the original enigma machine –More aesthetic platform Project was a success, and it was fun Founder’s Day University of Portland School of Engineering

18 CS-EE 481 18Founder’s Day University of Portland School of Engineering Demonstration What You Will See –Letters for Rotor Positions –Display for Text What is Important –“Rotation” when Typing –Enciphered/Deciphered Text on Bottom

19 CS-EE 481 19Founder’s Day University of Portland School of Engineering Thank You. Are there any questions?

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