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 -Romeo  -Juliet  -Paris  -Prince  -Friar John, Friar Laurence  -Capulet  -Lady Capulet  -Montague  -Balthazar  -Boy  -Chief Watchman  -Second.

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Presentation on theme: " -Romeo  -Juliet  -Paris  -Prince  -Friar John, Friar Laurence  -Capulet  -Lady Capulet  -Montague  -Balthazar  -Boy  -Chief Watchman  -Second."— Presentation transcript:


2  -Romeo  -Juliet  -Paris  -Prince  -Friar John, Friar Laurence  -Capulet  -Lady Capulet  -Montague  -Balthazar  -Boy  -Chief Watchman  -Second and third watchman  -Apothecary

3  Romeo- To be with his love, Juliet, no matter what.  Juliet- She is trying to play dead so she can be with Romeo.  Paris- He is trying to please Capulet by marrying his daughter.  Prince- He is trying to keep things in order.  Friar John- He tries to get the letter to Romeo, but fails to do so.  Friar Lawrence- He tries to make a plan that will keep Juliet from marrying Paris, and he tries to keep Romeo from killing himself  Capulet- He is very upset because Juliet has died for real this time.  Lady Capulet- She is also very upset about the death of her daughter  Balthazar- He is assisting Romeo  Montague- He is mourning the death of his son, Romeo.  Boy- He is helping the watchmen.  Watchmen- They make sure nobody is causing trouble.  Apothecary- He supplies Romeo with the poison that he uses to kill himself.

4  Act 5 starts out where Romeo is in Mantua and Balthasar comes and tells him that Juliet is dead.  Romeo takes it pretty hard and goes to Apothecary and buys poison so he can go to Juliet’s grave to die beside her. Romeo believes that there is where he needs to be. He doesn’t want to live without Juliet.

5  Then we go back to Friar Laurence’s cell where he discovers that Romeo never received his message that Juliet wasn’t dead, but asleep.

6  Next we go to the churchyard where Juliet’s buried where Paris comes with flowers and scented water.  He goes to Juliet’s grave and starts to weep.  Then Romeo and Balthasar start to approach, Paris walks out and confronts them.  Balthasar runs away and Paris and Romeo start to fight.

7  Romeo stabs Paris and he dies.  Then Romeo goes into the grave where Juliet lies and he lies down beside her and drinks the poison.  He dies and Juliet wakes up to find them both dead.  Juliet freaks out and tries to drink the rest of Romeo’s poison but there is none left, so she ends up stabbing herself with his dagger instead. She does this to herself because she can’t imagine herself without Romeo.

8  Meanwhile Friar Laurence and Balthasar are coming back to the grave hoping they can make it in time.  Also, a boy runs and gets a watchman to come and check out the fight he heard.  After Juliet dies they all come and search the churchyard and find them all dead. They try to make sense of it, but Friar Laurence tells them the whole story. They all have a bunch of regrets and it ends.

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