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Welcome Back to School 2014-2015 Meadowdale Elementary School Mr. Kerins and Mr. Marletto Rm. 225 Rm. 226.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Back to School 2014-2015 Meadowdale Elementary School Mr. Kerins and Mr. Marletto Rm. 225 Rm. 226."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Back to School 2014-2015 Meadowdale Elementary School Mr. Kerins and Mr. Marletto Rm. 225 Rm. 226

2 Classroom Procedures  My Job/Your Job  Routines –Responsive Classroom/Morning Meetings  30 Minutes Homework + 25 minutes of reading = 55 minutes a night  Parent Signatures  Study Hall

3 Literature  Curriculum: Benchmark Education –Read-Aloud, Whole Group Lesson, Practice Time (Small Groups, Partner Reading and Independent Reading), Phonics and Word Study  Required Nightly Reading - 25 minutes  Online Reading / Raz - Kidz  Reading SBA

4 Literature  Daily 5 / CAFÉ –Literacy structure allowing differential or student-centered teaching –5 Tasks Read to Self Read to Someone Work on Writing Listen to Reading Word Work

5 Benchmark Education  Metacognitive Strategies: –Ask Questions –Determine Text Importance –Visualize –Fix-Up Monitoring –Schema –Summarize and Synthesize

6 Benchmark Education: Skills  Main Idea and Supporting Details  Sequence of Events  Make Inferences  Summarize  Compare and Contrast  Cause and Effect  Draw Conclusions  Author’s Purpose  Fact and Opinion  Make Judgments

7 Mathematics with “Expressions”  Number Sense (place value)/Computation –Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division  Fractions  Patterns  Measurement  HOMEWORK nightly  SBA Assessment

8 Homework  Math – Monday – Friday  Reading Log – Due Mondays (Weekend Reading)  Spelling - Monday – Thursday (Test on Friday)  Progress Report

9 Writing  Narrative  Expository  Opinion Writing Process (Rough and editing on paper. Final on word document.)  ATRT

10 Social Studies and Science  Geography and Map Skills  Communities  Plants  Water Cycle - Water Workshop

11 Field Trips Village Theater in Everett - Frindle (January 13 th ) - Trickster Tales (March 18 th ) Walking Field Trip (Communities and Neighborhoods)

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