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Personal and Public health Apply cancer knowledge to improve personal and public health.

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Presentation on theme: "Personal and Public health Apply cancer knowledge to improve personal and public health."— Presentation transcript:

1 Personal and Public health Apply cancer knowledge to improve personal and public health

2 Levels of Cancer Prevention  Good personal choices can reduce a persons’ risk for developing cancer  Early detection and successful treatment will reduce cancer deaths, but prevention is more desirable  Scientists estimate that approximately ½ of all cancer deaths could be prevented

3  Individual level Individual behavior changes Eliminate unhealthful habits Most cancers can be prevented through simple lifestyle changes

4  Health care providers Position to provide counseling and screenings regarding cancer Need to provide timely and accurate information for patients to make informed choice

5  National level Governmental agencies can impose regulations Minimize the publics exposure to carcinogens Implement policies to improve public health

6  International level Actions of developed countries can impact the incidence of cancer worldwide Exportation of known carcinogens Moving hazardous manufacturing processes to unregulated developing countries

7 Chances of Survival  Good choices can improve chances of survival  Improved detection methods exist  Improved treatments

8 Public Policy Research  In light of the governments role in protecting public health, students will assume the roles of federal legislators and explore several resources to identify reasons to support or oppose a proposed statue

9 Major Concepts  Understanding the science of cancer to improve personal and public health can be beneficial. Translating our understanding of science into public policy can raise a variety of issues, such as the degree to which society should govern the health practices of individuals. Such issues often cause tension between preserving individual freedom of choice and improving public health

10 Acting on Information about Cancer  Step One: Research the incidence of skin cancer in the United States and in NC Research the incidence of melanoma in the United States and NC  Helpful links United States Division of Health and Human Services NC Department of Public Health

11 Brainstorming Session  Spend 10 minutes in the group indentifying reasons to support the statute and reasons to oppose the statue Hint: you need at LEAST 5 for both sides

12 Video Clips  View the video clips of the public’s response to this new statute What questions are being raised? Add these issues to your table

13 Ask Yourself the following:  What is skin cancer?  Who is most at risk?  What outcomes do people who develop skin cancer expect?  What outcomes does society experience as a result of skin cancer?  How can people reduce or prevent dangerous exposure to UV radiation?  How effective are these methods?

14  Are there other cases where society has limited behavior for public health reasons? For example, what can we learn from the Australian experience with skin cancer?

15 Further Research  Are there any other examples of limiting behavior for public health reasons? How effective are they?  Research NC public health laws Hint: google NC public health laws and use the UNC school of government website

16  Choose 3 public health laws and document the following: Reasons for enacting this law Benefits of law Effectiveness

17 Revised Statute  To understand how complex policy making can be, revise and rewrite the statute in light of the data you have researched. The new statute should address the growing problem of skin cancer in a meaningful and effective way, but also should be acceptable to most students in the class.

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