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Women In combat Samantha Tagle English 1010 I.E.P.

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1 Women In combat Samantha Tagle English 1010 I.E.P.

2 Introduction These here are articles to explain why people are either opposed or for women in combat Many mothers and families can and most likely will be affected by the banned being lifted. Its important to understand the harm this can make on our society and our safety.

3 Questions I Had 1.Why are women so discriminated against in the military in combat role? 2.What are the dangers for women? 3.Is it a victory for women? 4.Who are the supporters of women in military combat? 5.What are the issues that modern day military officials have with women in front line combat

4 Not so Fast: Women on Frontlines 'distracting, what this article explains is that congress thinks that Capitol Hill made a fast and rationale decision on lifting the band of women in front line combat. Many who are ex veterans that served 2 to 3 tours in Afghanistan also agree. There reasoning being Making these women go outside of social norms (showering stripping down naked in front of the opposite sex). Also this is a social experimentation rather than making or military the best and ready to kill the enemy. The goal of the military is to protect the country not to experiment with This article answered my question #5 it made me realize that these officials have a problem with lifting the band for the reason that its to there belief congress made the decision way to fast.

5 Women in combat a terrible idea for reasons to numerous to list : the article explains that women only half the upper body strength as a man. Although the author does explain that women have excelled in many things such as being a sharp shooter and better in school, they explain that war is not a compromising thing. The reason for war is to kill the enemy. Putting women in this situation where there can and most likely will be face to face with the enemy will end up hurting our country for the reason that women have special tortures. Things such as rape to a women are un comparable to the torture men receive This article here answered my question #2. as you can see it explains that women can be face to face with dangerous roles if put in combat. Another thing is that rape is a lot more common amongst women than it is men. It made me realize that although women can be strong, will they be as strong in these kinds of situation. For example to leave a comrad behind and deal with the pshysical and psychological issues that willresult.

6 How to Argue Against Women in Combat : this article Tries to explain that for every argument people commonly have against women In combat there is a counter argument. Ex: Lack of strength : Many Women are just as strong in the military or sometimes even stronger. kinder kueche kirche(children, kitchen, church) many women in the military now a days are not mothers and don’t plan on being. modesty issue- there are other task that don’t include being exposed to chemicals that will make you strip such as driving a tank, dropping bombs. Firing a mortar. battlefield psychology women not getting over having to leave comrades – there can be in class training to leaving comrade.( mock exercise This article Answered my Question # 1. it explained how it is to there belief that women are not capable of pyshically handling their own. I came to the conclusion that many must believe in these same reasonings. Although women are to be sought out as weaker, women have actually out preformed men.

7 role of Group Affiliation towards Women In the Military systematically compare the attitudes of women and women west point cadets with those of ROTC cadets and non Military college students with respect to attitudes toward women serving in nine different military jobs.(244) and this showed that the college students were more supporting than those of the ROTC or west point cadets. This article Answered My Question #4 Because the article showed that many cadets do NOT agree with women In the military due to old beliefs that they shouldn’t be. It also took the perspective of the people who are just regular college students. This article made me realize that although some people in todays militarys might want women in front line combat im sure the majority does not want them to. Its came to my belief that its mainly law makers trying to make things FAIR, but are they really making it fair ?

8 " Women in Ground Combat Service: Victory for Women’s Rights?" the article talks about how women are already fighting on combat even though they have been excluded to do so. It states that there are at least 150 soldiers that have died in Afghanistan. It also states that these women whom are going to fight in combat will need to learn to deal with the psychological and physical scars that it leaves behind. There is also the idea that now that women will be able to move up in ranks, women’s issues will be heard more and taken into consideration considering that women have the chance of being in charge. This article answered my question #3 because it explains that many women already serve in those types of enviornments like front combat. it made me compare the banned to driving without a lisecne people still drive so when they get there lisecne its nothing new. Many women in our military die from being in the medical field in combat. Its just another change in the law that will make it more acceptable.

9 Conclusion Women's rights are being gained every day. Whether these rights are to be in the military, there will always be someone who is against the idea. People ideas on how they feel about these topics will evolve just like before. Women are guaranteed under our constitution the right to equality

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