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Presentation on theme: "FOURTH AFRICA CENTERS OF EXCELLENCE (ACE) PROJECT WORKSHOP FIDUCIARY COMPLIANCE – PROCUREMENT November 17-19, 2015 Cotonou Presented by : Wole Afuye &"— Presentation transcript:

1 FOURTH AFRICA CENTERS OF EXCELLENCE (ACE) PROJECT WORKSHOP FIDUCIARY COMPLIANCE – PROCUREMENT November 17-19, 2015 Cotonou Presented by : Wole Afuye & Mathias Gogohounga.

2 Overriding Objectives of Procurement The overriding objective is to deliver procurement activities with due considerations to efficiency and value for money in the use of public funds, while adhering to agreed World Bank procedures and national procurement regulations. Other Objectives are : Effectiveness Transparency Accountability

3 Procurement Progress/update: To discuss on the procurement progress made so far in relation to the agreed procurement plans. To discuss the challenges in procurement since implementation commenced. To emphasize that procurement procedures are based on the Institution’s procurement manuals which are subject to the national procurement systems. (Govt. thresholds, policies and regulations).

4 Responsibilities: ACE: The responsibility for implementation of the project, award and administration of contracts, rests with the ACEs. World Bank: The Bank, for its part, is required by its Articles of Agreement to “ensure that the proceeds of any loan are used only for the purposes for which the loan was granted, with due attention to considerations of economy and efficiency and without regard to political or other noneconomic influences or considerations.”

5 Main Considerations Guiding the World Bank’s Procurement Policies on Goods and Works. (a) economy and efficiency in the implementation of the project; (b) giving all eligible bidders from developed and developing countries the same information and equal opportunity to compete; (c) encouraging the development of domestic contracting and manufacturing industries in the borrowing country; and (d) transparency in the procurement process.

6 Main Considerations Guiding the World Bank’s Procurement Policies on Consultancy Services. (a) high-quality services, (b) economy and efficiency, (c) give all eligible consultants an opportunity to compete in providing the services financed by the Bank, (d) encouraging the development and use of national consultants in its developing member countries, and (e) transparency in the selection process.

7 Reminder : Component 1 - DLI approach That all expenditures be reimbursed under the project will be part of the Eligible Expenditure Program. This would be verified during procurement audits and Bank’s Post Procurement Reviews (PPRs). All expenditures for procurable items in the EEP will follow the World Bank “Guidelines for Procurement of Goods, Works and Non-Consulting Services", dated January 2011 and "Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants", dated January 2011.

8 Component 2 Regional Facilitation Unit at AAU, the National Universities Commission, Nigeria and the implementation team in The Gambia. Make use of World Bank “Guidelines: Procurement of Goods, Works and Non-Consulting Services", dated January 2011 or the World Bank. "Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants", dated January 2011, with procurement plans acceptable to IDA.

9 Component 2. The RFU at AAU and National Universities Commission, Nigeria’s Eligible Procurement Activities : Goods : Computer equipment and related office equipment. Consultancy Services : Simple consultancy contracts Works : Not Applicable The Gambia: will procure consultant services only from the other participating ACEs. Procure goods when justified. Works contracts : only when cleared by the Bank.

10 Goods & Works DLI 2: Excellence in education and research capacity and Development impact. DLR 2.8: Meeting milestones for improved learning and research environment specified in the Performance and Funding contracts. Procurement Activities : Development of Web Portal Renovation & Construction of Office Blocks Procurement of Vehicles. Procurement of Laboratory Equipment.

11 Consultancy Services DLI#4. Timely and audited Procurement. Procurement Activity: DLR# 4.1 Timely procurement audit Procurement Auditing report to be submitted to World Bank latest by June 30 – USD 50,000 per year DLR#4.2: Timely and Satisfactory Procurement Progress. – USD50,000 per year. Hiring of relevant Technical Assistance. Consultants for Preparation of manuals. Consultants for specialized reports etc.

12 Two Procurement DLI Performance criteria : (a) Third-party procurement process verification (audit). Deadline before June 30, 2016. (b) Timeliness of procurement progress: 25% of all procurement contracts signed by year 1 (Amount); 55% of all procurement contracts by year 2 (amount), and 100% by year 3 (amount), Verification of installation by year 4).

13 Result Based Procurement Planning Effective Planning requires: By December 2015, all centers should be revising the current procurement plans in preparation for Year 16, Annual work plan and procurement plans. Goods, Works, consulting services and Non- Consulting services, Operating Cost, workshop and training. Annual Disbursement Plan/Cashflow plan

14 The Annual Procurement Plan  Work Plan and procurement plan should be linked to the annual budget.  Activities not completed during the year should be rolled to the new year procurement plans Workplans.  All revised Procurement plans would be submitted to the World Bank for review and No Objection.

15 The Annual Procurement Plan  Procurement plans reflect a schedule of activities in order of need/priority.  Workplan and Procurement plan reflect all transactions to be implemented by the Center.  Both the Workplan and procurement plan can be revised during the year. All revisions should be cleared with the WB.

16 Procurement Methods (Goods & Works) ICB - International Competitive Bidding (Large works and Equipment) NCB – National Competitive Bidding (National Procurement Document). IS – International Shopping SH – Shopping DC – Direct Contracting

17 Consultancy Services Methods QCBS – Quality and Cost Based Selection (Firms). CQ- Consultants Qualification (Firms) IC – Individual Consultants SS – Sole Source (Firms/Individuals)

18 Checklists - NCB Bidding Process: Technical Specifications drawn by technical experts - No brand names. Bidding Documents prepared and issued with Invitation for Bids (IFB). First package can be shared with WB for necessary guidance. IFB publicly launched in at least one national newspaper. Bids are publicly opened and announced. (copy of Bids, minutes of bids opening and attendance records are well kept)

19 Checklist - NCB Bid Evaluation Process: Bid Evaluation Committee. Bid Evaluation Report should consist of : Preliminary Examination: checking the completeness of the bid e.g Bid Securities.) Technical Evaluation – Checking compliance with required specifications. Post Qualification of Bidders. Technical Capacity of Bidders (Specified relevant general and similar experience Financial Capacity: Average annual turnover.

20 Works Evaluation Emphasis is giving to the following: Cash flow requirement Access to credit facilities. Required Equipment Required technical personnel

21 Contract Award Checklist: NCB Recommendation & Award: Notification of awards. Acceptance Letter of Offer. Performance Security (PG) Advance payment Guarantee (APG) Contract Agreement with clear conditions.

22 Implementation Checklist : Copies of Delivery/Waybill Copies of Payment Invoices Payment approvals. Payment Vouchers Copies of Receipts for payments

23 Contract Management /Records.  Contract Amendments (if any)  Goods Inspection Certificate  Acceptance Certificate  Delivery Papers /Waybills /Stores Receipt  Payment Certificates  Copies of Performance Guarantee and Bid Securities  Claims and disputes (liquidated damages if any)

24 National Shopping : Goods and Works / Checklist  Solicitation letters with technical specification sent to minimum of three bidders  Quotations received from Contractors/Suppliers  Quotations are opened same day.  Evaluation Committee evaluates the quotations.  Recommended bidder signed contract or Purchase Order  Record of Inspection /Delivery of goods, Receipt, waybills.  Store Receipt  Completion Certificates are issued.

25 Individual Consultants – Checklist/filing. Terms of Reference Request for Expression of Interest/ Invitation of CVs. Committee evaluate CVs. Interview and Contract Negotiations. Contract Agreement. Reports/ Deliverables. Payment Documents.

26 World Bank Procurement Supervision Roles. (a) Continuous Project Implementation Supervision Missions. (b) Post Procurement Reviews (PPR). (c ) Continuous Procurement Trainings. (d) Hands Holding procurement supports.

27 Procurement Filling/Documentation. All procurement documents should be filed accordingly for : Procurement Audit World Bank’s Post Procurement Reviews External Financial Audit. References.

28 THANK YOU. Comments & Clarifications


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