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Lesson Starter What are the three groups of microorganisms? Explain how viruses use the “host cell” List examples of helpful fungi that we learned about.

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson Starter What are the three groups of microorganisms? Explain how viruses use the “host cell” List examples of helpful fungi that we learned about."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson Starter What are the three groups of microorganisms? Explain how viruses use the “host cell” List examples of helpful fungi that we learned about last day


3 Today we are going to.. 1.Learn how to grow micro-organisms 2.Grow some of our own organisms 3.Learn how microorganisms are transmitted

4 Growing Microbes In 1878, Robert Koch discovered that we can grow micro-organisms in the laboratory Can discover which bacteria causes certain diseases Scientists still use this method

5 Microorganisms Bacteria and fungi can be grown in PETRI DISHES on a jelly called AGAR

6 Agar Plates Agar contains the nutrients (food) the bacteria needs to grow The plates are then incubated as bacteria needs a suitable temperature to grow

7 We are going to grow microorganisms using agar plates: What safety precautions should we take before we carry out the experiment?

8 Safety First Hair tied back No fingers in mouth, ears etc No chewing or eating Do not open plates after use. They will be sealed shut- why? Wash hands when finished

9 Exposing the agar We have discussed that there are micro- organisms all around us- time to prove that: 1.Wave the plate in the air 2.Place your finger on the gel 3.Swab under a piece of jewellery 4.Swab the workbench 5.Swab the bottom of your school bag 6.Swab the door handle

10 Instructions 1.Collect a petri dish containing agar gel 2.Write your name, date and exposure on the bottom of the plate 3.EXPOSE YOUR AGAR 4.Close the plate and seal with tape

11 Growing microorganisms The agar will be incubated and we will look at what we’ve grown next day!

12 Transmission of Microorganisms

13 Transmission of microorganisms Micro-organisms not only depend on their hosts to survive but they also use their host to help them to infect other organisms. The process of a micro-organism spreading from one host to another is known as TRANSMISSION.

14 Think.. Pair.. Share With the person next to you, discuss ways in which you think micro- organisms can be transferred between people!

15 Direct Contact Host coming in direct contact with another organism Examples Herpes (cold sore) The common cold

16 Blood contact This occurs when one person’s blood is mixed with another persons. This could be accidently or during a blood transfusion or at an accident Common example of micro- organisms that spread in this manner are the HIV virus and the Hepatitis virus.

17 Water Borne Microorganism in water and waiting for a new host to drink it or attacking the skin if stepped in. This is much more common in developing countries that do not have proper sanitation. Examples of this type of transmission are cholera and polio.

18 Air Borne This has the potential to be the most serious as we all have to breathe to survive Airborne micro-organisms tend to spread much faster than others, especially as many people cough and sneeze when they are sick. Examples of airborne micro- organisms include the cold virus and the measles virus.

19 Think and write.. Why do you think diseases spread in places where there are large numbers of people, for example in a refugee camp?

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