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Participation of KEPA in the work of the EEA 2010-2013 Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning Kosovo Environmental Protection Agency Kosovo Environmental.

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Presentation on theme: "Participation of KEPA in the work of the EEA 2010-2013 Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning Kosovo Environmental Protection Agency Kosovo Environmental."— Presentation transcript:

1 Participation of KEPA in the work of the EEA 2010-2013 Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning Kosovo Environmental Protection Agency Kosovo Environmental Protection Agency Dr. Rifat Morina KEPA NFP Kosovo March, 2012

2 First time appearance as an independent European country

3 The main activities in the cooperation proces MB NFP ETC/ NRC Meetings Workshops CDR REPORTS KEPA &EEA Official appointment NFP Engagement of NFP Assistant Coordinator NRCs Meetings/Workshops Cooperation with ETCs Submission of national reports


5 Ozone (not systematically) Rivers & Groundwater well reported CLRTAP Air Emissions (data quality issues) Lake water quality (no reporting) Exchange of Information on Air Quality Greenhouse Gases (deadline 15 April) CDDA/Protected Areas – already (nearly) completed CORINE Land Cover 2006-2012 Reporting achievements Missing (from „counted obligations“): (from „counted obligations“): OTHER REPORTS Reporting achievements:

6 Central Data Repository Kosovo


8 Draft evaluation of deliveries Draft evaluation of deliveries

9 National SoE Reports

10 KEPA Member of European Network of the Heads of Environment Protection Agencies

11 Participation at Eionet meetings 2010-2011 - 7 NFP meetings - 26 NRC Workshops, - 2 CSI Indicators Workshops

12 Benefits and challenges of cooperation with EEA Regular data exchange ( according to the EEA Priority Data Flows and our participation in the SEIS ) Involvment in the EEA regular indicator-based reporting accordning to the EEA CSI Involvment in the process to develop the regular state and outlook report 2015 (start with a pilot chapter) and in the related products Integration of the national networks of the organisations within EIONET Strengthening of te national capacities for the coordination of the EIONE

13 Thank you Thank you !

14 Useful Links: KEPA web site – MESP website – EEA web site - Eionet portal - EEA data products - Reportnet - Priority data flows -

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