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The Roman Empire included these modern countries: Portugal Spain Andorra United Kingdom France Monaco Luxembourg Belgium Netherlands Germany Switzerland.

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Presentation on theme: "The Roman Empire included these modern countries: Portugal Spain Andorra United Kingdom France Monaco Luxembourg Belgium Netherlands Germany Switzerland."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Roman Empire included these modern countries: Portugal Spain Andorra United Kingdom France Monaco Luxembourg Belgium Netherlands Germany Switzerland Liechtenstein Italy San Marino Vatican City Malta Austria Czech Republic Slovakia Slovenia Croatia Montenegro Kosovo Serbia Bosnia-Herzegovina Hungary Albania Greece FYR Macedonia Romania Bulgaria Turkey Georgia Armenia Azerbaijan Syria Iraq Kuwait Cyprus Lebanon Jordan Israel Saudi Arabia Egypt Sudan Libya Tunisia Algeria Morocco

2 The Roman Empire: Too Big to Succeed?

3 GOAL: To list the problems caused by the vast size of the Roman Empire.

4 Problems from being too big: ●Borders got too long ●Too many enemies ●Too many cultures (languages, religions, customs, etc.) ●More connection to local area than to Rome ●Civil wars

5 Languages in the Roman empire

6 Partial list of usurpers Avidius Cassius (175) Pescennius Niger (193-194) Clodius Albinius (196-197) Gellius Maximus (219) Verus (219) Uranius (221) Seleucus (221) Sallustius (227) Taurinus (unknown) Magnus (235) Quartinus (235) Iotapianus (c. 248) Pacatianus (c. 248) Silbannacus (unknown) Sponsianus (unknown) Priscus (249-252) Licinianus (250) Ingenuus (260) Macrianus Major, Macrianus Minor, Quietus (260-261) Regalianus (260) Balista (261) Piso (261) Valens (261) Memor (261) Mussius Aemilianus (261-262) Censorinus (269-270 Domitianus (270-271) Felicissimus (271) Septimus (271) Urbanus (271) Firmus (273) Bonosus (280) Proculus (280) Saturninus (280) Sibinus Iulianus (unknown)

7 Diocletian's solution: ●Divide the empire into East and West ●Have four emperors ●Name successors in advance

8 Problems from dividing the empire: ●Each person had less decision-making power ●Emperors were frenemies ●East and West had different cultures and concerns

9 WEST ●Spoke Latin ●Followed Catholic Church ●Surrounded by enemies (barbarian tribes) EAST ●Spoke Greek ●Followed Orthodox Church ●Had one main enemy (Persia)

10 Turn to your neighbor and list the problems caused by the vast size of the Roman empire. Try to do it without looking at your notes.

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