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ASSESSMENT Parent Information Evening Wednesday 10 June 2015 JILL.

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1 ASSESSMENT Parent Information Evening Wednesday 10 June 2015 JILL

2 Outline of the Evening What are National Standards?
Overall Teacher Judgements Reporting JILL OTJ - How do teachers at ANI make a judgement against National Standards? Moderation - How do we make sure our judgements are consistent and valid? Reporting - How will I find out how my child is progressing and achievement against National Standards?

3 What are National Standards?
“National Standards in reading, writing and mathematics provide signposts that give children, teachers, parents, families and whānau a clear idea of where children are achieving in their learning and what they have to do next.” - Ministry of Education, 2010 VIV Aspirational standards that are measured at the end of the academic year MY reporting is about achievement and progress towards the end of year standard

4 NZ Curriculum Levels and National Standards
VIV The following diagram explains how NZ curriculum levels relate to National Standards and how they correspond to year levels. For example by the end of Year 7 we would expect students to be operating within curriculum level 4 and thus have achieved at the Year 7 National Standard. Similarly by the end of year 8, we would expect a student to be operating toward the end of curriculum level 4 and thus be at the Year 8 National Standard. YEAR LEVELS National Standard

5 Achievement measured against National Standards
ABOVE: exceeding the expectation for their year level AT: meeting the expectations at their year level BELOW: not achieving the expectation for their year level WELL BELOW: achieving more than one year below the expectation for their year level Above: A student’s current level of achievement is at a standard above their year group, which means that special consideration needs to be given to their learning needs in order to provide them with sufficient challenge to continue their accelerated rate of progression into the future. At: A student is currently meeting the standard, and effective classroom teaching should realistically enable them to meet or exceed the standard for next year. Below: A student is not currently meeting the standard, but there is every reason to believe that their learning needs can be accommodated within effective differentiated classroom teaching in order to meet the standard for next year. May have some elements ‘at’ Well below: A student’s current achievement against the standard is such that in order to have a realistic chance of making sufficient progress to meet the standard for next year, special consideration needs to be given to their learning needs. Specific actions in addition to effective differentiated classroom teaching may need to be taken.

6 How do teachers at ANI make an overall teacher judgement against National Standards?
LUCY What is an overall teacher judgement or OTJ? An overall teacher judgment involves drawing on and applying the evidence gathered up to a particular point in time in order to make an overall judgment about a student’s progress and achievement.

7 How do teachers make overall teacher judgement?
CONVERSATIONS & OBSERVATIONS Student: Self-assessment Peer-assessment Discussions Explanations Conferences Questions Observations TASKS Classwork Assessment Resource Bank (ARBs) Record keeping Tasks and assignments TOOLS Student assessment tools include: PAT, STAR, GloSS, IKAN, e-asTTLE LUCY Continually and periodically - on-going Conversation and observation first, then task and then data to support / check OTJ The triangulation of a range of evidence accumulated over the year builds dependability in progress and achievement decisions. An overall teacher judgment can be made when the teacher reviews all of the evidence in relation to a National Standard, rather than simply summarising the information. Conversation /obeservation – ongoing nature of OTJ Tools – quality control Real Examples from Thomas, Lara and ??? CONTINUALLY PERIODICALLY

8 Student Presentation of Evidence
Thomas Zhang Mathematics Lara Albert Reading Sam Miller Writing Thomas Zhang Mathematics Above by EY Lara Albert Reading Currently below, on track to be at ???? Writing Currently at

9 At ANI, how do we make sure our overall teacher judgements are consistent and valid?
VIV At ANI – student to student, teacher to teacher, team to team, year to year (vertical and horizontal) Moderation is the process of teachers sharing their expectations and understandings of National Standards with each other in order to improve the consistency of their decisions about student learning and achievement

10 VIV Talk through diagram

11 Progress and Consistency Tool Learning and Change Network
Moderation Beyond ANI Progress and Consistency Tool Learning and Change Network Community of Schools VIV PaCT is an online tool that captures a series of teachers’ judgments on aspects of mathematics, reading and writing, and recommends an overall judgment which a teacher can confirm or review. Promotes confidence in teacher judgements Involves professional discussion Establish shared understanding of what progress and achievement looks like Teachers confirm of adjust judgements Fosters dependability, comparability and fairness LUCY Two initiatives we are currently involved in that promote lateral learning and provide opportunities for professional discussion about achievement data and National Standards

12 At ANI, how do we report National Standards to parents?

Triadic Interviews Goal setting TERM TWO Written Report Progress and achievement towards National Standards TERM THREE Triadic Interviews Goals and report TERM FOUR Written Report Progress and achievement against National Standards At each of these reporting forums you will be given information on your child’s goals and their progress towards these your child’s progress and achievement in relation to the standards what the school is doing to support your child’s learning ways you can support your child’s learning. This years new format….?? And supporting documents How to help you child at home Simple guide to reading your child's report Information on e-asttle pathways

14 Key Points National Standards are measured at the end of the year, therefore: Mid year reporting is an indication of progress towards National Standards End of year reporting is measured against National Standards National Standards are measured are across the curriculum Range of evidence from a number of sources – continually and periodically NS are measured at the end of the year Mid year reporting is an indication of progress towards NS End of year reporting is measured against NS Role of student voice

15 Any Questions?



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