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Pointers1 WHAT IS A POINTER? Simply stated, a pointer is an address. A running program consists of three parts: execution stack, code, and data. They are.

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Presentation on theme: "Pointers1 WHAT IS A POINTER? Simply stated, a pointer is an address. A running program consists of three parts: execution stack, code, and data. They are."— Presentation transcript:

1 pointers1 WHAT IS A POINTER? Simply stated, a pointer is an address. A running program consists of three parts: execution stack, code, and data. They are stored in main memory. Each cell of the main memory has an address. A pointer variable is a variable whose value is either NULL (0) or a legal address.

2 pointers2 Why pointers? Pointers are used in programs to access memory and manipulate addresses. To get the effect of call-by-reference in C, we must use pointers in the parameter list of a function definition and pass addresses of variables as arguments in the function call. To hold the memory location of a chunk of dynamically allocated memory block.

3 pointers3 How to declare pointers: A pointer must be defined to point to some type of variable. Following a proper definition, it cannot be used to point to any other type of variable or it will result in a "type incompatibility" error. Declaration examples: int *p, **pp; // how to read? char *cp; float *fp1, *fp2, *fp3;

4 pointers4 Example: int k = 567, *p; p = &k; // p refers to k // p points to k // p contains the address of k 567 p k

5 pointers5 How to initialize pointers? A pointer variable must be initialized to an address of something before you can access the value located at that address. Two operators: & address operator * dereference operator

6 pointers6 Example: int x = 5, y = 6, z; int *px, *py; *pz; px = &x; py = &y; pz = &z; *pz = *px + *py; // z = x + y (11) y = 2 * *px + y; // y = ?

7 pointers7 Example: // the dereference operator * is the // inverse of the address operator & double x, y, *p; p = &x; y = *p; // y = *&x; or y = x; int a, *p = &a; // OK int *p = &a, a; // wrong

8 pointers8 Exercises: int i = 3, j = 5, *p = &i, *q = &j, *r; double x; ExpressionEquivalence p == &ip == (&i) p = i + 7p = (i + 7) **&p*(*(&p)) r = &xr = (&x) 7 **p/*q+7(((7*(*p)))/(*q))+7 *(r =&j)*=*p(*(r =(&j)))*= (*p) Value 1 illegal 3 11 15

9 pointers9 Pointers to void: void * is a generic pointer type (in ANSI C). int x = 6, *px = &x; void * vp; double *qx; qx = px; // illegal vp = px; // ok qx = vp; // ok qx = (double*) px; // ok

10 pointers10 Call by Reference vs Call by Value: When variables are passed as arguments to a function, their values are copied to the corresponding function parameters, and variables themselves are not changed in the calling environment. This Call-by-Value mechanism is strictly enforced in C. For a function to effect Call-by-Reference, pointers must be used in the parameter list of the function definition. Then, when the function is called, addresses of variables must be passed as arguments.

11 pointers11 Example: void swap(int *p, int *q) { int tmp; tmp = *p; *p = *q; *q = tmp; } int main(void) { int a = 3, b = 7; swap(&a, &b); } p qb = 7 a = 3 b = 3q a = 7p Before swap: After swap:

12 pointers12 Example: return multi-values through pointers void minmax(int table[], int n, int *minp, int *maxp){ int i, min = INT_MIN, max = INT_MAX; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) if (table[i] < min) min = table[i]; else if (table[i] > max) max = table[i]; *minp = min; *maxp = max; } int main(){ int table[] = {10, 15, 38, 27, -21, 88, 69}; int min, max; minmax(table, 7, &min, &max); // print min and max }

13 pointers13 Array and Pointers: An array name by itself is a base address, or pointer value, and can be thought of as a constant pointer. The base address of an array is the initial location in memory where the array is stored, that is, it is the address of the first element (index 0) of the array.

14 pointers14 Relationship between Arrays and Pointers: #define N 100 int a[N], *pa, sum, i; // suppose array a has been initialized pa = a; pa = &a[0]; pa = a + 10; pa = &a[10]; sum = 0; for ( pa = a; pa < &a[N]; pa++) sum += *pa; sum = 0; for ( i = 0; i < N; i++) sum += a[i]; equivalent

15 pointers15 Example: return multi-values through an array void minmax(int table[], int n, int results[]){ int i, min = INT_MIN, max = INT_MAX; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) if (table[i] < min) min = table[i]; else if (table[i] > max) max = table[i]; results[0] = min; results[1] = max; } int main(){ int table[] = {10, 15, 38, 27, -21, 88, 69}; int results[2]; minmax(table, 7, results); // print results[0] and result[1] }

16 pointers16 Passing arrays to functions: int sum(int a[], int n){ int j, s = 0; for (j = 0; j < n; j++) s+= a[j]; return s; } CallsWhat gets computed sum(v, 100)v[0] + v[1] + … + v[99] sum(v, 88)v[0] + v[1] + … + v[87] sum(&v[7], k-7)v[7] + v[8] + … + v[k-1] sum(v + 7, 2*k)v[7] + v[8] + … + v[2*k+6]

17 pointers17 Pointer Arithmetic: Pointer arithmetic is automatically done in units of the pointer’s underlying base type. If p is a pointer to a particular type, then p + 1 yields the correct machine address for storing or accessing the next variable of that type. In a similar fashion, p + i, ++p, p+= i all make sense. If p and q are both pointing to elements of an array, then p – q yields the integer value representing the number of elements between p and q.

18 pointers18 Pointer Arithmetic: The only legal arithmetic operators on pointers are adding or subtracting an integer, or subtracting one pointer from another. Pointers can be compared ( == != >= ). Two pointers are equal only if they point to the same location. One pointer is less than another if it points a lower location in memory. Don’t compare pointers that don’t access the same array.

19 pointers19 Another Example: Suppose we want to implement a statistics program for an array of data. Functions to be implemented are: double maximum(double a[], int n); double average(double a[], int n); double sum(double a[], int n); Problem: inefficient code because each function involves a for loop.

20 pointers20 Efficient code - using pointers: void stat(double a[], int n, double *p_ave, double *p_max, double *p_sum) { int i; *p_max = *p_sum = a[0]; for (i = 1; i < n; i++){ *p_sum += a[i]; if (*p_max < a[i]) *p_max = a[i]; } *p_ave = *p_sum/(double) n; }

21 pointers21 Pointer as return value: int * foo(…) // A common mistake { int a = 5; return &a; } int * search(int a[], int n, int key) { int *p = a, *ep = a + n; while (p < ep && *p != key) p++; return p != ep ? p : NULL; }

22 pointers22 Pointers and Efficiency: int a[], sum, i, *p, *ep; // assume a[] is initialized // run the following schemes 10000 times // scheme 1  20 Sec sum = 0; for (i = 0; i < 10000; i++) sum += a[i]; // scheme 2  13 Sec (35% speed up) sum = 0; p = a; for (i = 0; i < 10000; i++) sum += *p; // scheme 3  12 Sec (40% speed up) sum = 0; p = a; ep = a + 10000; while (p < ep) sum += *p++;

23 pointers23 Generic Pointers: // suppose we want to copy one array into another double f[10], g[10]; f = g;// illegal, f is a constant address memcpy(f, g, sizeof(g)); // call library function ---------------------------------------------------------------- void *memcpy(void *xp, const void *yp, size_t n){ unsigned char *dp = xp; const unsigned char *sp = yp; const unsigned char *ep = yp + n; while (sp < ep) *dp++ = *sp++; return xp; }

24 pointers24 Dynamical Memory Allocation: C requires the number of items in an array to be known at compile time. Too big or too small? Dynamical memory allocation allow us to specify an array’s size at run time. Two important library functions are malloc, which allocates space from HEAP, and free, which returns the space (allocated by malloc) back to HEAP for reuse later.

25 pointers25 Example: /* allocate and free an array of doubles, with error check */ #include #include // definition of NULL #include // definition for malloc/free double *dcreate(int n){ double* dp; if ((dp = malloc(n*sizeof(double)) != NULL) return dp; printf(“dcreate: dynamic allocation failed.”); exit(0); } void dfree(double *dp){ if (dp != NULL) free(dp); }

26 pointers26 Some Comments: Don’t assume malloc will always succeed. Don’t assume the dynamically allocated memory is initialized to zero. Don’t modify the pointer returned by malloc. free only pointers obtained from malloc, and don’t access the memory after it has been freed. Don’t forget to free memory which is no longer in use (garbage).

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