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DGS Town Hall with Director Fred Klass October 3, 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "DGS Town Hall with Director Fred Klass October 3, 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 DGS Town Hall with Director Fred Klass October 3, 2011

2 Procurement Division DGS Strategic Plan Integrity We do the right thing for the right reasons. Accountability We hold ourselves and each other responsible for all we do. Communication We listen and share information openly and honestly with the goal of mutual understanding and transparency. 2 Core Values Excellence We strive for the best for each other and our customers. Innovation We cultivate ideas and implement improvements throughout our organization. Teamwork We value our organizational diversity and work together to achieve great results.

3 Procurement Division DGS Strategic Plan “Excellence in the Business of Government” 3 Vision Statement

4 Procurement Division DGS Strategic Plan “We deliver results by providing timely, cost-effective services and products that support our customers.” 4 Mission Statement

5 Procurement Division DGS Strategic Plan “We are customer centered. DGS responds positively and cooperatively to meet customer needs and finds innovative solutions to their problems.” “We deliver efficient and effective results. Our employees continue to identify and implement ways to reduce operating costs while maintaining or improving the quality of our products and services, which sometimes means doing business in entirely new ways.” “We work as one enterprise. We deliver our services and products from an enterprise perspective, considering the statewide impacts of all DGS business lines and services.” “We are a strong organization. We ensure our core values—integrity, accountability, excellence, innovation and teamwork—guide our operations with each interaction. ” 5 Vision of Success

6 Procurement Division DGS Strategic Plan “Our customers come to us, not because they have to, but because they want to.” “DGS: The Customer’s Choice. ” 6 Additional ‘Vision of Success’ Statement

7 Procurement Division Customer Service 7 So, how has DGS been doing on delivering excellent customer service?

8 Procurement Division Customer Satisfaction 8 Assessing customer satisfaction Measuring outcomes Most of the department lacks an ongoing system for:

9 Procurement Division Customer Satisfaction 9 What gets measured is what gets done Metrics are crucial to continuous improvement Metrics are important

10 Procurement Division Initiatives Underway 10 Ongoing performance measures for every division Customer satisfaction survey Meetings with department directors

11 Procurement Division Control vs. Service 11 Customer service is often compromised for the sake of control. Not necessarily mutually exclusive. Our job is to find legitimate ways to harmonize our oversight responsibilities with service to the customer.

12 Procurement Division Control vs. Service 12 Oversight (control) role is a statutory responsibility and obligation. The purposes of oversight generally are to ensure: – Legality – Fairness (consistent treatment and equal opportunity) – Best value for the state (fiscal prudence) – Accountability – Transparency The customers are best served when their needs are also consistent with these standards.

13 Procurement Division Finding the Solution 13 Sometimes, the job challenges us to find a solution that will simultaneously satisfy two or more seemingly incompatible goals. Strive to be PURPOSE oriented, rather than transaction oriented.

14 Procurement Division 7 RESD Rules for Staying in the Game 14 1.Be Respectful to everyone & maintain your composure – even in difficult situations. Treat customers – internal & external – the same way you would like to be treated. 2.Acknowledge calls & emails ASAP – at the latest, within 24 hours. Sooner is better … even if you don’t have answers or the answer is in progress. 3.Give customers the benefit of the doubt & strive to see their side of things. Blatantly proving others wrong & yourself right is not productive – think strategically & speak factually. 4.Follow up significant discussions & meetings with a confirming email. Good for the records & everyone is appraised of the issues. 5.Update clients on projects timely – don’t wait for them to call you. Preferably early & often with a brief call – follow up with an email. 6.Take ownership of all inquiries received, even if you’re not the real owner. Personally speak to the real owner before hand-off – verify that the customer receives a satisfactory response. 7.Program voice mail with ’03’ option – include contact person’s name & telephone number. Activate alternate voice mail & computer out-of-office features when away from office or when office is closed. Guidelines for customer interactions … and everyone is a customer!

15 Procurement Division Organizational Health 15 I understand who our customers are – 93% I understand how my job contributes to our office mission – 90% I find my work meaningful – 87% I am able to make or influence improvements – 64% My work is appreciated by management – 63% Management’s decisions and actions are consistent with DGS Values – 42% Work Satisfaction

16 Procurement Division Organizational Health 16 Within DGS, I participate on teams to get things done – 70% My office encourages teamwork – 67% We work ethically – 64% Management considers input from those affected in making key decisions – 42% Divisions support each other – 32% Overall, DGS is a great place to work – 64% Cooperation & Collaboration

17 Procurement Division Questions I value and need your input Thank you! 17

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