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Lincoln Trail District Health Department Strategic Plan Our Foundation Strategic Goals & Objectives Measures of Success Mission: The Lincoln Trail District.

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Presentation on theme: "Lincoln Trail District Health Department Strategic Plan Our Foundation Strategic Goals & Objectives Measures of Success Mission: The Lincoln Trail District."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lincoln Trail District Health Department Strategic Plan Our Foundation Strategic Goals & Objectives Measures of Success Mission: The Lincoln Trail District Health Department provides assurance of the public’s health and safety through assessment, intervention, and preparedness. Vision: Good Health and a Safe Environment Core Values: We are committed to providing quality services in a respectful, just manner with honesty and integrity in a collaborative, team approach. We are responsive and have our communities prepared. We, the employees of Lincoln Trail District Health Department, have adopted core values which embrace diversity and include respect and honesty for our clients and each other. Everyone will be treated with justice and integrity. Our core values are reflected through teamwork and the quality of our services. LoyaltyCourtesy, Teamwork Compassion, & Dedication Commitment HonestyAdvocacy Dependability Respect Excellence Service Financial Solvency To convey the value of public health internally and externally To continuously evaluate & implement strategies to improve efficiency To ensure a competent workforce within a positive working environment 1. Continually research alternative funding such as grants, new programs 2. Continually educate Legislators, stakeholders, Boards of Health, and funding sources on health department services and programs for potential funding 3. Annually educate LTDHD staff in program funding and finances 4. Ongoing monitoring of program efficiency to maximize productivity and cost effectiveness 1. Begin rebranding the agency’s image through various venues 2. Agency staff will participate in local, state, and national activities to promote public health 3. Public Health Director will communicate with all agency staff weekly 4. Public health will be promoted through various venues and showcased annually during Public Health Week 5. Report Card scores for key areas for agency will be published annually 1. Provide written LTDHD personnel policies for health department processes, reviewed and updated every two years 2. Evaluate strategic plan annually and make changes accordingly 3. Receive accreditation status by September 30, 2015 1. Implement employee training on financial procedures by July 30, 2014 2. Continuously assess workforce training needs and provide training as identified 3. Increase communication from staff to management and management to staff by July 2015 4. Increase overall morale of staff and management of health department by July 2015 Finance Convey Public Health Value Strategies to Improve Efficiency Competent Workforce & Positive Environment 1. Obtain at least 5 grants directly tied to Community Health Improvement Plan 2. Conduct annual meetings regarding funding with stakeholders 3. Annually educate staff in program funding & finances 4. Report funding efficiency & cost reduction in monthly reports 1.Website will be updated by December 4, 2014 2.Promote Public Health through various media outlets 3.Continually publish health data and statistics regarding local public health issues, disease rates, and how they have improved 1. Completed personnel policies will be distributed to employees 2. Strategic plan becomes an ongoing process & document 3. Receive accreditation status from the Public Health Accreditation Board 1.Complete/offer financial training to all employees 2.Compile current list of employee selected training needs 3.Increase employee reported communication improvement by 25% indicated by survey 4.Increase survey results of morale improvement by 10% by Dec 2015

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