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You have been asked by the video technology applications teacher to help her determine what microphone to buy for her upcoming video project. She would.

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Presentation on theme: "You have been asked by the video technology applications teacher to help her determine what microphone to buy for her upcoming video project. She would."— Presentation transcript:

1 You have been asked by the video technology applications teacher to help her determine what microphone to buy for her upcoming video project. She would like a wireless microphone that clips on a student's shirt or collar. Which microphone should she buy? Answer A. lavalier B. omnidirectional C. shotgun microphone D. directional

2 A social studies teacher would like to implement a project about World War II in which his four sections of high school history collaborate by sharing information, thoughts, and conclusions as they produce presentations. To focus their collaboration, the teacher also wants to provide topics of interest and instructions for the students. Finally, the teacher requires the system to be asynchronous and available to all students from any Internet-connected computer. What collaboration tool would be most effective? Answer A. chat B. wiki C. message board D. listserv

3 The assistant principal would like to create an online version of the school's employment application that would be available on the school's web site. He wants potential applicants to be able to access and print the document. He specifies that the application must retain its original formatting and be widely available to user's regardless of their browser type or operating system. What will you advise the assistant principal? Answer A. Save the document as a Microsoft Word (.doc) file because Word is the most popular word processor. B. Create a PDF file C. Export the file as a web page from a word processor D. Create a JPEG image of the document.

4 A teacher would like to develop a professional presentation for a speech about reading at a national education convention. What advice might the MTT provide her? Answer A. Use many images and sounds to make the slideshow interesting. B. Provide large amounts of text for viewer information. C. Include frequent animations to hold viewer attention D. Use consistent background and text themes.

5 A teacher creates an exam with the goal of assessing his students' knowledge of plant taxonomy. Because the students used the computer and PowerPoint to create slides of different plants, the teacher included the question "What program did we use to create our slide shows?" All students answered the question correctly. According to the stated purpose of the exam, how can one describe the slide show question? Answer A. The question was neither valid nor reliable. B. The question was valid but not reliable. C. The question was reliable, but not valid. D. The question was both valid and reliable

6 A special services teacher with visually impaired students wants to build a web page that will function well with screen reader software. What technique should not be used in the page construction? Answer A. Alt tags B. Frames C. Tables D. Provide a text only version of the page

7 The special education teacher has asked the MTT to help provide assistive technologies to a student receiving special services. Under these circumstances, an appropriate action by the MTT might be: Answer A. To politely tell the teacher that you cannot help because of special education law. B. Select technologies most appropriate for the special education student C. Provide the name of the assistive technology specialist to the teacher D. Observe the student and make recommendations to the ARD committee.

8 During an Admission, Review, and Dismissal meeting, the ARD committee describes several assistive technologies that the particular student needs to succeed. Currently only some of the described technologies are available. According to this situation, what is the responsibility of the school? Answer A. The school must implement all described assistive technologies. B. The school must implement all described assistive technologies possible according to technology availability. C. Because ARD committee decisions are recommendations, the school may implement assistive technologies as it sees necessary D. The school must implement described assistive technologies only if the student is not succeeding in regular classroom situations.

9 According to research, the most effective way to ensure effective and equitable infusion of technology in high school classes would be to: Answer A. Provide computers and technology in each classroom, even if there are more students than available technology B. Provide access to computer labs on a regular basis so that enough technology is available for each student to work alone. C. Concentrate technology in computer classrooms. Because all students must take technology classes during their high school career, equitable access is ensured. D. Provide access to computers before and after school to ensure that all students receive opportunities to utilize advanced technologies.

10 The MTT has been asked to answer specific questions from the local school board on various technology issues. One of the questions he will be asked is "What strategies can build interest in technology use by teachers?" How can the MTT respond? Answer A. Have experienced teachers mentor and model effective uses of technology. B. Allow teachers to attend and participate at professional meetings and/or conferences on technology. C. Allocate time for teachers to practice and learn technology. D. All of the above

11 A middle school principal would like to improve the technology skills of his teachers by offering technology trainings at the campus. He asks the Master Technology Teacher (MTT) for any suggestions on the best way to approach this. The first logical step would be to: Answer A. Create a schedule of training days B. Talk to the technology teachers on campus and discuss their needs C. Send a survey to teachers to determine the needs of the campus. D. Find and review the campus technology plan.

12 The MTT has noticed that some teachers become very self-conscious when the MTT is in their classrooms. These teachers appear reluctant to have the MTT observe them teaching with technology. How should the MTT respond? Answer A. Inform the administrator and ask that person to remind teachers to cooperate with MTT observations B. Remind the teachers that the MTT’s role is to provide guidance and support for teachers not to evaluate them C. Ask students and other teachers how the reluctant teachers are doing? D. Ignore the teachers and focus on others who like to show off their tech teaching skills.

13 Your school district subscribes to online technology tutorials for students, and teachers are free to use them as well. Your administrator asks for your evaluation of the appropriateness of this approach to staff development. As the MTT you make the following observation:(4TZ0) Answer A. Everyone on your faculty would benefit from this approach regardless of their technology skills proficiency. B. Those faculty members who already have some confidence with technology and are motivated to improve their skills would benefit the most. C. The amount of time an individual spends learning on the Internet is hard to verify, so that form of instruction should be avoided because of the difficulty of standardizing credit D. The advantage of the tutorials is that a large group can be gathered together in a lab to go through a selected number of tutorials at the same time.

14 Your administrator learns that you enjoy making training videos. He asks you to create several for the coming year dealing with common procedures you are often called upon to demonstrate repeatedly for teachers who forget them. You agree that this is a good idea because... Answer A. Making the videos can take the place of other technology staff development responsibilities you have B. You can pack lots of instructions and procedures into them C. The videos represent a way to provide just-in- time instruction for a specific need D. You’ve been wanting to play with some screen capture software, and now you can get it.

15 You are working with a group of elementary school teachers who want to include animal web cam sites in their teaching. After a session on how to locate, navigate, and incorporate Internet sites in a lesson, what would be a good way to evaluate the success of the teachers’ training?(13T8) Answer A. Give each pair of teachers a selection of possible web cam sites and ask them to prepare an evaluation for each to share with the group before they leave. B. Give the teachers the standard questionnaire supplied by the district for evaluating staff development, but ask them to return it in a week. C. Ask each teacher to choose one site to use in his/her class and then send a reflection on the lesson to the group and to you. D. Interpret the teachers’ enthusiasm during the training session as evidence of their interest, learning, and commitment.

16 Answers 1. A information here: 2. B 3. B 4. D 5. C – Note: She was trying to assess knowledge of plant taxonomy, not technology 6. B 7. C 8. A 9. A 10. D 11. D 12. B 13. B – actually, I don’t like any of the answers – but B would be closest 14. C 15. C

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